Comparative effectiveness of a second TNF inhibitor versus a non‐TNF biologic in the treatment of polyarticular course juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Melissa L Mannion,Shahla Amin,Stephen Balevic,Min‐Lee Chang,Colleen K Correll,Lianne Kearsley‐Fleet,Kimme L. Hyrich,Timothy Beukelman,CARRA Registry Investigators and the UK JIA Biologics Register Investigators,for theCARRA Registry Investigators and the UK JIA Biologics Register Investigators,R. Aamir,K. Abulaban,A. Adams,C. Aguiar Lapsia,A. Akinsete,S. Akoghlanian,M. Al Manaa,A. AlBijadi,E. Allenspach,A. Almutairi,R. Alperin,G. Amarilyo,W. Ambler,M. Amoruso,S. Angeles‐Han,S. Ardoin,S. Armendariz,L. Asfaw,N. Aviran Dagan,C. Bacha,I. Balboni,S. Balevic,S. Ballinger,S. Baluta,L. Barillas‐Arias,M. Basiaga,K. Baszis,S. Baxter,M. Becker,A. Begezda,E. Behrens,E. Beil,S. Benseler,L. Bermudez‐Santiago,W. Bernal,T. Bigley,C. Bingham,B. Binstadt,C. Black,B. Blackmon,M. Blakley,J. Bohnsack,A. Boneparth,H. Bradfield,J. Bridges,E. Brooks,M. Brothers,H. Brunner,L. Buckley,M. Buckley,M. Buckley,H. Bukulmez,D. Bullock,S. Canna,L. Cannon,S. Canny,V. Cartwright,E. Cassidy,D. Castro,E. Chalom,J. Chang,M. Chang,J. Chang,A. Chang‐Hoftman,A. Chen,P. Chiraseveenuprapund,K. Ciaglia,D. Co,E. Cohen,J. Collinge,H. Conlon,R. Connor,K. Cook,A. Cooper,J. Cooper,K. Corbin,C. Correll,R. Cron,M. Curry,A. Dalrymple,E. Datyner,T. Davis,D. De Ranieri,J. Dean,C. DeCoste,F. Dedeoglu,M. DeGuzman,N. Delnay,E. DeSantis,R. Devine,M. Dhalla,A. Dhanrajani,D. Dissanayake,B. Dizon,N. Drapeau,J. Drew,K. Driest,Q. Du,E. Duncan,K. Dunnock,D. Durkee,J. Dvergsten,A. Eberhard,K. Ede,B. Edelheit,C. Edens,T. El Tal,M. Elder,Y. Elzaki,S. Fadrhonc,C. Failing,D. Fair,L. Favier,B. Feldman,J. Fennell,P. Ferguson,I. Ferguson,C. Figueroa,E. Flanagan,L. Fogel,E. Fox,M. Fox,L. Franklin,R. Fuhlbrigge,J. Fuller,M. Furey,T. Futch‐West,S. Gagne,V. Gennaro,D. Gerstbacher,M. Gilbert,A. Gironella,D. Glaser,I. Goh,D. Goldsmith,S. Gorry,N. Goswami,B. Gottlieb,T. Graham,S. Grevich,T. Griffin,A. Grim,A. Grom,M. Guevara,T. Hahn,O. Halyabar,M. Hamda Natur,E. Hammelev,T. Hammond,L. Harel,J. Harris,O. Harry,J. Hausmann,A. Hay,K. Hays,K. Hayward,L. Henderson,M. Henrickson,A. Hersh,K. Hickey,L. Hiraki,M. Hiskey,P. Hobday,C. Hoffart,M. Holland,M. Hollander,S. Hong,D. Horton,M. Horwitz,J. Hsu,A. Huber,A. Huberts,J. Huggins,L. Huie,J. Hui‐Yuen,M. Ibarra,A. Imlay,L. Imundo,C. Inman,A. Jackson,K. James,G. Janow,S. Jared,Y. Jiang,L. Johnson,N. Johnson,J. Jones,D. Kafisheh,P. Kahn,K. Kaidar,S. Kasinathan,R. Kaur,E. Kessler,B. Kienzle,S. Kim,Y. Kimura,D. Kingsbury,M. Kitcharoensakkul,T. Klausmeier,K. Klein,M. Klein‐Gitelman,A. Knight,L. Kovalick,S. Kramer,C. Kremer,O. Kudas,T. LaFlam,B. Lang,S. Lapidus,B. Lapin,A. Lasky,C. Lawler,E. Lawson,R. Laxer,P. Lee,P. Lee,T. Lee,A. Lee,E. Leisinger,L. Lentini,M. Lerman,Y. Levinsky,D. Levy,S. Li,S. Lieberman,L. Lim,E. Limenis,C. Lin,N. Ling,G. Lionetti,R. Livny,M. Lloyd,M. Lo,A. Long,M. Lopez‐Peña,D. Lovell,N. Luca,S. Lvovich,A. Lytch,M. Ma,A. Machado,J. MacMahon,J. Madison,M. Mannion,C. Manos,L. Mansfield,B. Marston,T. Mason,D. Matchett,L. McAllister,K. McBrearty,J. McColl,D. McCurdy,K. McDaniels,J. McDonald,E. Meidan,E. Mellins,Z. Mian,P. Miettunen,M. Miller,D. Milojevic,R. Mitacek,R. Modica,S. Mohan,T. Moore,K. Moore,L. Moorthy,J. Moreno,E. Morgan,A. Moyer,B. Murante,A. Murphy,E. Muscal,O. Mwizerwa,A. Najafi,K. Nanda,N. Nasah,L. Nassi,S. Nativ,M. Natter,K. Nearanz,J. Neely,L. Newhall,A. Nguyen,P. Nigrovic,J. Nocton,B. Nolan,K. Nowicki,R. Oakes,E. Oberle,S. Ogbonnaya‐Whittesley,E. Ogbu,M. Oliver,R. Olveda,K. Onel,A. Orandi,J. Padam,A. Paller,N. Pan,J. Pandya,S. Panupattanapong,A. Pappo Toledano,A. Parsons,J. Patel,P. Patel,A. Patrick,S. Patrizi,S. Paul,J. Perfetto,M. Perron,M. Peskin,L. Ponder,R. Pooni,S. Prahalad,B. Puplava,M. Quinlan‐Waters,C. Rabinovich,J. Rafko,H. Rahimi,K. Rampone,S. Ramsey,R. Randell,L. Ray,A. Reed,A. Reed,H. Reid,D. Reiff,S. Richins,M. Riebschleger,E. Rife,M. Riordan,M. Riskalla,A. Robinson,L. Robinson,L. Rodgers,M. Rodriquez,D. Rogers,T. Ronis,A. Rosado,M. Rosenkranz,N. Rosenwasser,H. Rothermel,D. Rothman,E. Rothschild,E. Roth‐Wojcicki,K. Rouster‐Stevens,T. Rubinstein,J. Rupp,N. Ruth,S. Sabbagh,R. Sadun,L. Santiago,V. Saper,A. Sarkissian,L. Scalzi,J. Schahn,K. Schikler,A. Schlefman,H. Schmeling,E. Schmitt,R. Schneider,G. Schulert,K. Schultz,C. Schutt,C. Seper,R. Sheets,A. Shehab,S. Shenoi,M. Sherman,J. Shirley,M. Shishov,D. Siegel,N. Singer,V. Sivaraman,E. Sloan,C. Smith,J. Smith,E. Smitherman,J. Soep,Mary B. Son,D. Sosna,C. Spencer,L. Spiegel,J. Spitznagle,H. Srinivasalu,H. Stapp,K. Steigerwald,A. Stephens,Y. Sterba Rakovchik,S. Stern,B. Stevens,R. Stevenson,K. Stewart,W. Stewart,C. Stingl,M. Stoll,E. Stringer,S. Sule,J. Sullivan,R. Sundel,M. Sutter,C. Swaffar,N. Swayne,R. Syed,T. Symington,G. Syverson,A. Szymanski,S. Taber,R. Tal,A. Tambralli,A. Taneja,T. Tanner,S. Tarvin,L. Tate,A. Taxter,J. Taylor,M. Tesher,T. Thakurdeen,A. Theisen,B. Thomas,L. Thomas,N. Thomas,T. Ting,C. Todd,D. Toib,D. Toib,K. Torok,H. Tory,M. Toth,S. Tse,C. Tsin,J. Twachtman‐Bassett,M. Twilt,T. Valcarcel,R. Valdovinos,A. Vallee,H. Van Mater,S. Vandenbergen,L. Vannoy,C. Varghese,N. Vasquez,P. Vega‐Fernandez,J. Velez,J. Verbsky,R. Verstegen,E. von Scheven,S. Vora,L. Wagner‐Weiner,D. Wahezi,H. Waite,B. Walker,H. Walters,M. Waterfield,A. Waters,P. Weiser,P. Weiss,J. Weiss,E. Wershba,V. Westheuser,A. White,K. Widrick,C. Williams,S. Wong,L. Woolnough,T. Wright,E. Wu,A. Yalcindag,S. Yasin,R. Yeung,K. Yomogida,A. Zeft,Y. Zhang,Y. Zhao,A. Zhu
Arthritis Care & Research
Abstract:Objective The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a second tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) versus a non‐TNFi biologic following discontinuation of a TNFi for patients with polyarticular‐course juvenile idiopathic arthritis (pJIA). Methods Using the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Registry, patients with pJIA who started a second biologic following a first TNFi were identified. Patients were required to have no active uveitis on index date and a visit 6 months after the index date. Outcome measures included clinical juvenile arthritis disease activity score 10 (cJADAS10), cJADAS10 inactive disease (ID<2.5) and cJADAS10 minimal disease activity (MiDA<5). Multiple imputation was used to account for missing data. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were calculated using propensity score quintiles to compare outcomes at 6 months following second biologic initiation. Results There were 216 patients included, 84% initially received etanercept and most patients stopped it for ineffectiveness (74%). 183 (85%) started a second TNFi and 33 (15%) started a non‐TNFi. Adalimumab was the most common second biologic (71% overall, 84% of second TNFi) and tocilizumab was the most common non‐TNFi second biologic (9% overall, 58% of non‐TNFi). There was no difference between TNFi and non‐TNFi in cJADAS ID (29% versus 25%; aOR 1.23 [0.47‐3.20]) or at least MiDA (43% versus 39%; aOR 1.11 [0.47‐2.62]) at 6 months. Conclusion Most patients with polyarticular course JIA started TNFi rather than non‐TNFi as their second biologic, and there were no differences in disease activity at 6 months.