I. Patereha,V. Kushnir,O. Pyatnychko,V. Vynarchuk-Patereha,M. Chudyak
Scientific and Technical Bulletin оf State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medical Products and Fodder Additives аnd Institute of Animal Biology
Abstract:Homeopathy is a regulatory therapy. The effectiveness of homeopathic therapy does not depend on the dose of the drug, but on the frequency of its repetitions. The composition of homeopathic preparations includes a wide range of natural and synthetic active substances: minerals; chemical substances; substances of plant origin; microorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and plant parasites; substances of animal origin; and human materials, which may include tissues, secretions, hormones, and genetically homogeneous cell lines.
One such substance is an extract of spider venom (Tarantul cubensis D6), which remains active in pharmaceutical preparation for a long time. The drug is selectively absorbed in inflamed tissues, differentiating them from healthy cells and suppressing inflammation. The drug is also effective in necrotic and proliferative processes. It is used for the treatment of panaritium in the initial stage, skin ulcers, necrobacillosis, and necrosis of the soft tissues of the animal.
Any materials of animal or human origin are potentially dangerous for human and animal health, as they may contain toxic or pathogenic substances. Therefore, the study of the acute and subacute toxicity of spider venom extract is one of the stages of establishing the toxicological parameters of the drug.
The use of the drug in a therapeutic dose caused an increase in animal body weight, hemoglobin concentration, number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, hematocrit value, average erythrocyte volume (MCV), average hemoglobin content in erythrocytes (МСН), average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (МСНС), number of platelets, and AST activity against the background of a slight decrease in total protein content, creatinine, urea, and ALT activity.
The use of the drug in a 10-fold therapeutic dose caused an increase in animal body weight, creatinine, urea, ALT, and AST activity against the background of a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes, the value of hematocrit, the average volume of erythrocytes (MCV), the average content of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (МСН), the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (МСНС), the number of platelets, and the content of total protein.