Comment on "Giant Nernst Effect due to Fluctuating Cooper Pairs in Superconductors" by M.N. Serbyn, M.A. Skvortsov, A.A. Varlamov, and V. Galitski
A. Sergeev,M.Y. Reizer,V. Mitin
Abstract:In a recent Letter, Serbyn et al. [A] investigated thermomagnetic effects above the superconducting transition and generalized previous works for arbitrary magnetic fields and temperatures. While the results of [A] have been confirmed in [B], we have strong objections: (i) According to our results [C], the linear response calculation does not require any correction from the magnetization currents; (ii) The result of [A,B] is giant, because unlike the normal Fermi liquid, it is of zero order in the particle-hole asymmetry. Changing the interaction constant in the Cooper channel leads to ridiculously large results even for nonsuperconducting metals; (iii)Derived in [A] the Einstein-type relation for thermomagnetic coefficient contradicts to text-book results.
[A] M.N. Serbyn, M.A. Skvortsov, A.A. Varlamov, V. Galitski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 067001 (2009).
[B] K. Michaeli and A.M. Finkel'stein, EPL 86, 27007 (2009).
[C] A. Sergeev et al., Phys. Rev. B 77, 064501 (2008).
Superconductivity,Strongly Correlated Electrons