A sufficient condition for n-Best Kernel Approximation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
Qu Wei,Qian Tao,Deng Guan-Tie
Abstract: We show that if a reproducing kernel Hilbert space $H_K,$ consisting of functions defined on ${\bf E},$ enjoys Double Boundary Vanishing Condition (DBVC) and Linear Independent Condition (LIC), then for any preset natural number $n,$ and any function $f\in H_K,$ there exists a set of $n$ parameterized multiple kernels ${\tilde{K}}_{w_1},\cdots,{\tilde{K}}_{w_n}, w_k\in {\bf E}, k=1,\cdots,n,$ and real (or complex) constants $c_1,\cdots,c_n,$ giving rise to a solution of the optimization problem \[ \|f-\sum_{k=1}^n c_k{\tilde{K}}_{w_k}\|=\inf \{\|f-\sum_{k=1}^n d_k{\tilde{K}}_{v_k}\|\ |\ v_k\in {\bf E}, d_k\in {\bf R}\ ({\rm or}\ {\bf C}), k=1,\cdots,n\}.\] By applying the theorem of this paper we show that the Hardy space and the Bergman space, as well as all the weighted Bergman spaces in the unit disc all possess $n$-best approximations. In the Hardy space case this gives a new proof of a classical result. Based on the obtained results we further prove existence of $n$-best spherical Poisson kernel approximation to functions of finite energy on the real-spheres.