Equivariant Hilbert and Ehrhart series under translative group actions
Alessio D'Alì,Emanuele Delucchi
Abstract:We study the equivariant Hilbert series of the complex Stanley-Reisner ring of a simplicial complex $\Sigma$ under the action of a finite group via simplicial automorphisms. We prove that, when $\Sigma$ is Cohen-Macaulay and the group action is translative, i.e., color-preserving for some proper coloring of $\Sigma$, the equivariant Hilbert series of $\Sigma$ admits a rational expression whose numerator is a positive integer combination of irreducible characters.
We relate such a result to equivariant Ehrhart theory via an equivariant analogue of the Betke-McMullen theorem developed by Jochemko, Katthän and Reiner: namely, if a lattice polytope admits a lattice unimodular triangulation that is invariant under the action of a finite group, then the equivariant Ehrhart series of the polytope equals the equivariant Hilbert series of such a triangulation.
As an application, we study the equivariant Ehrhart series of alcoved polytopes in the sense of Lam and Postnikov and derive explicit results in the case of order polytopes and of Lipschitz poset polytopes.
Combinatorics,Commutative Algebra,Representation Theory