Abstract:We study the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) on $\mathbb{Z}$ with a general initial condition and a deterministically moving wall in front of the particles. Using colour-position symmetry, we express the one-point distributions in terms of particle positions in a TASEP with step initial condition along a space-like path.
Based on this formula, we analyse the large-time asymptotics of the model under various scenarios. For initial conditions other than the step initial condition, we identify a distinct asymptotic behaviour at the boundary of the region influenced by the wall, differing from the observations made in [Borodin-Bufetov-Ferrari'24] and [Ferrari-Gernholt'24]. Furthermore, we demonstrate that product limit distributions are associated with shocks in the macroscopic empirical density.
As a special case of our starting formula, we derive a variational expression for the one-point distributions of TASEP with arbitrary initial data. Focusing on non-random initial conditions, such as periodic ones with an arbitrary density, we leverage our analytical tools to characterise the limit distribution within the framework of particle positions.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the fluctuation behavior of particle positions in the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) with arbitrary initial conditions on a long - time scale in the presence of a deterministically moving wall. Specifically, the authors study the influence of the wall on particle fluctuations under different initial conditions, especially non - random initial conditions (such as periodic initial conditions), and analyze the asymptotic behavior of these fluctuations.
### Main problem decomposition:
1. **TASEP model under general initial conditions and a deterministically moving wall**:
- In the study of the TASEP model, particles move on integer lattice points, and each particle attempts to move one step to the right at exponentially distributed time intervals.
- A deterministically moving wall is introduced to prevent particles from crossing it.
2. **Long - time fluctuation behavior**:
- Analyze the fluctuation behavior of particle positions on a long - time scale, especially the influence of the wall on these fluctuations.
- Through color - position symmetry, represent the one - point distribution of the TASEP model with a wall as an expression of particle positions along space - like paths in the TASEP model with step - like initial conditions.
3. **Classification of asymptotic behavior**:
- For different initial conditions, identify the differences in the asymptotic behavior in the boundary region from previous research results (such as [BBF24, FG24]).
- Pay special attention to the particles affected on the left end, whose behavior may be "decoupled" or "interpolated".
4. **Variational formula for the limit distribution**:
- Derive the variational expression for the one - point distribution of the TASEP model with arbitrary initial conditions.
- Prove that in some cases, the limit distribution can be represented as a variational formula of the Airy 2 process on space - like paths.
### Summary of mathematical formulas:
- **Particle positions under wall constraints**:
x_f^1(t) \leq f(t) \quad \text{for all} \; t \geq 0
where \( f(t) \) is a non - decreasing càdlàg function.
- **Finite - time identity**:
P(x_f^n(T) > s) = P\left(x_n(t) > s - f(T - t) \; \forall t \in [0, T], \; x_{n - j}(T) > s - x_1+ j \; \forall j \in [n - 1]\right)
- **Parameterization of asymptotic behavior**:
f(T - t) = \xi T - \mu_i(\tau, T) - c_i^1 (\tau^2 - g_i^T(\tau)) T^{1/3}
where \( T - t=(1 - \alpha_i)T + c_i^2 \tau T^{2/3} \).
- **Variational formula for the limit distribution**:
\lim_{T \to \infty} P(x_f^{\alpha T}(T) > \xi T - S T^{1/3})=\prod_{i = 0}^n P\left(\sup_{\tau \in \mathbb{R}} \{A_2(\tau) - g_i(\tau)\} < (c_i^1)^{-1} S\right)
Through these formulas and analyses, the authors have successfully extended the previous research results on step - like initial conditions and provided a profound understanding of the TASEP model under more general initial conditions.