Unlocking Diversity of Fast-Switched Optical Data Center Networks with Unified Routing

Jialong Li,Federico De Marchi,Yiming Lei,Raj Joshi,Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran,Yiting Xia
Abstract:Optical data center networks (DCNs) are emerging as a promising solution for cloud infrastructure in the post-Moore's Law era, particularly with the advent of 'fast-switched' optical architectures capable of circuit reconfiguration at microsecond or even nanosecond scales. However, frequent reconfiguration of optical circuits introduces a unique challenge: in-flight packets risk loss during these transitions, hindering the deployment of many mature optical hardware designs due to the lack of suitable routing solutions. In this paper, we present Unified Routing for Optical networks (URO), a general routing framework designed to support fast-switched optical DCNs across various hardware architectures. URO combines theoretical modeling of this novel routing problem with practical implementation on programmable switches, enabling precise, time-based packet transmission. Our prototype on Intel Tofino2 switches achieves a minimum circuit duration of 2us, ensuring end-to-end, loss-free application performance. Large-scale simulations using production DCN traffic validate URO's generality across different hardware configurations, demonstrating its effectiveness and efficient system resource utilization.
Networking and Internet Architecture
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to solve the routing challenges in fast - switched optical data center networks (DCNs). Specifically, it addresses the following two main issues: 1. **Packet loss caused by frequent circuit re - configurations**: - In fast - switched optical DCNs, optical circuits can be re - configured at the microsecond or even nanosecond level. Such frequent re - configurations can cause in - flight packets to be lost during the transition, thus hindering the deployment of mature optical hardware designs. - Traditional routing solutions cannot cope with such high - frequency re - configurations, so a new routing framework is required to ensure lossless and efficient packet transmission. 2. **Path planning and packet scheduling under short time slices**: - In fast - switched optical DCNs, the time slice may be shorter than the one - way delay (OWD). This breaks the basic assumption of packet transmission along a continuous path in a static network. - Packets may encounter the risk of circuit re - configuration during transmission, so it is necessary to carefully plan the path and ensure that packets can act precisely as planned, waiting at the affected intermediate ToR (Top - of - Rack Switches) for a new circuit to be established before continuing transmission. To solve these problems, the paper proposes a unified routing framework - Unified Routing for Optical networks (URO), which combines theoretical modeling and implementation on actual programmable switches to support fast - switched optical DCNs with different hardware architectures. URO solves the above problems in the following ways: - **Theoretical modeling**: Defines a new routing problem, taking into account the "waiting" time at the intermediate ToR, and redefines the routing delay including circuit waiting delay. - **Practical implementation**: Utilizes the functions of programmable switches to achieve time - based packet control, ensuring that packets can be buffered and their transmission controlled with microsecond - level precision. - **Performance verification**: Verifies the effectiveness of URO and the efficient use of system resources through large - scale simulations and test - bed experiments, proving that it can provide low - latency and no - packet - loss performance under different time - slice durations. In summary, the goal of this paper is to provide a general and efficient routing solution for fast - switched optical DCNs through the URO framework, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of packet transmission.