Global Weyl modules for thin Lie algebras are finite-dimensional

Vladimir Dotsenko,Sergey Mozgovoy
Abstract:The notion of Weyl modules, both local and global, goes back to Chari and Pressley in the case of affine Lie algebras, and has been extensively studied for various Lie algebras graded by root systems. We extend that definition to a certain class of Lie algebras graded by weight lattices and prove that if such a Lie algebra satisfies a natural "thinness" condition, then already the global Weyl modules are finite-dimensional. Our motivating example of a thin Lie algebra is the Lie algebra of polynomial Hamiltonian vector fields on the plane vanishing at the origin. We also introduce stratifications of categories of modules over such Lie algebras and identify the corresponding strata categories.
Representation Theory,Category Theory,Rings and Algebras
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove that the global Weyl modules of a specific type of Lie algebras (called "thin Lie algebras") are finite - dimensional. Specifically, the author extends the definition of Weyl modules to a class of Lie algebras graded by weight lattices and proves that if these Lie algebras satisfy the natural "thinness" condition, then their global Weyl modules must be finite - dimensional. ### Specific description of the main problem 1. **Definition and background**: - The concept of Weyl modules was first proposed by Chari and Pressley for affine Lie algebras. - The author generalizes this concept to Lie algebras graded by weight lattices and introduces the concept of "thin Lie algebras". 2. **Key problems**: - **Core of the problem**: Verify whether the global Weyl modules of Lie algebras satisfying the "thinness" condition are finite - dimensional. - **Motivating example**: In particular, the author considers an important subalgebra \( L_0(H_2) \) in the Lie algebra \( H_2 \) of planar polynomial Hamiltonian vector fields, which vanishes at the origin. This example motivates the study of a broader class of Lie algebras. 3. **Main results**: - The author proves a broad theorem, showing that if a Lie algebra \( \bar{g} \) is "thin" under the adjoint action of \( g \), then the functor \( B_{\leq \lambda} \) maps finite - dimensional modules to finite - dimensional modules. - Specifically, for the case where \( \bar{g} \) is "thin", all global Weyl modules \( W(\lambda) \) are finite - dimensional. 4. **Applications and generalization**: - The author also shows that this result can be applied to various specific Lie algebras, such as finite - dimensional Lie algebras containing \( sl_2 \), and the Lie algebra \( sl(\lambda) \) introduced by Feigin. ### Formulas involved - **Weight lattices and root systems**: \[ Q = \sum_{\alpha \in \Delta} \mathbb{Z} \alpha, \quad P = \{\lambda \in h^* \mid \langle \lambda, \alpha^\vee \rangle \in \mathbb{Z} \forall \alpha \in \Delta\} \] \[ Q_+ = \sum_{\alpha \in \Delta_+} \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0} \alpha, \quad P_+ = \{\lambda \in P \mid \langle \lambda, \alpha^\vee \rangle \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0} \forall \alpha \in \Delta_+\} \] - **Definition of Weyl modules**: \[ W(\lambda) = \text{maximal } g\text{-integrable } \bar{g}\text{-module generated by a vector } v_\lambda \text{ of weight } \lambda \text{ such that } \bar{n}_+ v_\lambda = 0 \] Through these definitions and results, the author successfully solves the problem of how to determine whether the global Weyl modules of certain Lie algebras are finite - dimensional and provides a theoretical basis for subsequent research.