Abstract:We present two models of sparse dynamic networks that display transitivity - the tendency for vertices sharing a common neighbour to be neighbours of one another. Our first network is a continuous time Markov chain $G=\{G_t=(V,E_t), t\ge 0\}$ whose states are graphs with the common vertex set $V=\{1,\dots, n\}$. The transitions are defined as follows. Given $t$, the vertex pairs $\{i,j\}\subset V$ are assigned independent exponential waiting times $A_{ij}$. At time $t+\min_{ij} A_{ij}$ the pair $\{i_0,j_0\}$ with $A_{i_0j_0}=\min_{ij} A_{ij}$ toggles its adjacency status. To mimic clustering patterns of sparse real networks we set intensities $a_{ij}$ of exponential times $A_{ij}$ to be negatively correlated with the degrees of the common neighbours of vertices $i$ and $j$ in $G_t$. Another dynamic network is based on a latent Markov chain $H=\{H_t=(V\cup W, E_t), t\ge 0\}$ whose states are bipartite graphs with the bipartition $V\cup W$, where $W=\{1,\dots,m\}$ is an auxiliary set of attributes/affiliations. Our second network $G'=\{G'_t =(E'_t,V), t\ge 0\}$ is the affiliation network defined by $H$: vertices $i_1,i_2\in V$ are adjacent in $G'_t$ whenever $i_1$ and $i_2$ have a common neighbour in $H_t$. We analyze geometric properties of both dynamic networks at stationarity and show that networks possess high clustering. They admit tunable degree distribution and clustering coefficients.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to construct a sparse dynamic network model that can exhibit clustering and transitivity. Specifically, the author proposes two models to simulate the sparse dynamic networks with high clustering coefficients and adjustable edge densities observed in the real world. The following are the main problems and solutions in the paper:
### 1. **Problem Background**
Many real - world networks, especially social networks, cooperation networks, citation networks, etc. that depict human interactions, exhibit clustering, that is, nodes tend to gather together by forming relatively small groups, and there is a high connection density within these groups. Clustering is closely related to network transitivity. Transitivity means that two nodes sharing a common neighbor are more likely to be neighbors of each other, thus forming a triangular connection.
### 2. **Deficiencies of Existing Models**
Existing dynamic network models have limited control over edge density and clustering intensity when dealing with large networks. For example, Grindrod et al. [10] and Užupytė and Witt [24] introduced the triadic closure effect, but these models have weak control over edge density in large - scale networks, resulting in insufficient flexibility of the models.
### 3. **Solutions Proposed in the Paper**
To solve the above problems, the author proposes two new dynamic network models:
#### Model 1: Sparse Dynamic Network Based on Continuous - Time Markov Chains
- **Model Description**:
- The network \( G=\{G_t=(V, E_t), t\geq0\} \) is a continuous - time Markov chain, whose state is a graph, the vertex set \( V = \{1,\ldots,n\} \) is fixed, and the edge set \( E_t \) changes over time.
- The transition process assigns independent exponential waiting times \( A_{ij} \) to each pair of vertices \( \{i, j\}\subset V \). When \( t+\min_{ij}A_{ij} \), the adjacency state of the edge \( \{i_0, j_0\} \) will change.
- In order to simulate the clustering pattern in real sparse networks, let the intensity \( a_{ij} \) of the exponential time \( A_{ij} \) be negatively correlated with the degrees of the common neighbors of vertices \( i \) and \( j \) in \( G_t \).
- **Key Formulas**:
- The clustering weight is defined as:
\nu_{ij}(G, s)=\sum_{v\in N_{ij}}d_v(G)^{-s}, \quad s\geq0
- The intensity \( a_{ij} \) is defined as:
\lambda_i\lambda_j+\lambda\nu_{ij}(G, \alpha)&\text{if }\{i, j\}\notin E\\
(\mu_i\mu_j-\mu\nu_{ij}(G, \beta))^+&\text{if }\{i, j\}\in E
#### Model 2: Dynamic Membership Network Based on Latent Markov Chains
- **Model Description**:
- The network \( H = \{H_t=(V\cup W, E_t), t\geq0\} \) is a continuous - time Markov chain, whose state is a bipartite graph, with the vertex set \( V\cup W \), where \( W \) is an auxiliary attribute set.
- The dynamic membership network \( G'=\{G'_t=(E'_t, V), t\geq0\} \) is defined as: for each \( t \), if \( i \) and \( j \) have a common neighbor in \( H_t \), then \( i \) and \( j \) in...