Cosmic inflation in an extended non-commutative foliated quantum gravity: the wave function of the universe

César A. Zen Vasconcellos,Peter O. Hess,José de Freitas Pacheco,Fridolin Weber,Benno Bodmann,Dimiter Hadjimichef,Geovane Naysinger,Rodrigo Fraga,João G.G. Gimenez,Marcelo Netz-Marzola,Moisés Razeira
Abstract:We propose a novel extension to the recently developed non-commutative Riemannian foliated branch-cut quantum gravity (BCQG). Based on an extended Faddeev-Jackiw symplectic deformation of the conventional Poisson algebra, we investigate non-commutativity effects on a symplectic topological manifold that provides a natural isomorphic setting composed by a triad of canonically conjugate scalar complex fields which comprise quantum complementary dualities. Based on a complementary analytically continued Friedmann-type equation, combined with a quantum approach based on the Hořawa-Lifshitz quantum gravity, we describe the dynamic evolution of the universe's wave function, unfolding unprecedented predictions for the cosmic evolution and inflation. The non-commutative foliated quantum gravity approach offers a new perspective on explaining the accelerated cosmic expansion of the universe, strongly suggesting that non-commutative algebra induces the late accelerated growth of both the universe's wave function and the corresponding scale factor, along with their quantum counterparts. In contrast to the conventional inflationary model, where inflation requires a remarkably fine-tuned set of initial conditions in a patch of the universe, non-commutative foliated quantum gravity, analytically continued to the complex plane, captures short and long scales of spacetime, leading to an evolutionary cosmic dynamic through a topological reconfiguration of the primordial cosmic matter and energy content. This result introduces new speculative framework elements regarding the reconfiguration of matter and energy due to an underlying non-commutative spatio-temporal structure as a driver of spacetime cosmic acceleration.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology,High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explain the phenomenon of the early - stage expansion of the universe (i.e., cosmic inflation) by introducing an extended non - commutative Riemann foliated branched - cut quantum gravity (BCQG), and to explore the influence of this model on the evolution of the cosmic wave function. Specifically, the authors hope to solve the problem through the following points: 1. **Overcoming the initial singularity problem**: Traditional cosmological models have the singularity problem in the early days of the Big Bang, that is, the physical laws break down at the starting point of time. The non - commutative BCQG model proposed in this paper aims to overcome this problem and provide a framework for the evolution of the universe without assuming special initial conditions. 2. **Explaining the accelerated expansion of the universe**: Current observations show that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. This paper explores how the non - commutative algebraic structure drives the late - stage accelerated growth of the cosmic wave function and the corresponding scale factor, thus providing a new perspective for explaining the accelerated expansion of the universe. 3. **Introducing the concept of the mirror universe**: The article proposes a mirror universe adjacent to our universe and embedded in the space - time structure. This mirror universe undergoes continuous contraction in the negative cosmic thermodynamic time and enters the expansion stage in the positive complex cosmic time after reaching the transition area. This provides new possibilities for understanding the expansion of the universe. 4. **Studying non - commutative effects**: Based on the extended Faddeev - Jackiw symplectic geometric deformation, the article studies the influence of non - commutativity on the symplectic topological manifold, especially its influence on the classical Poisson algebra. These studies are helpful for understanding how microscopic quantum effects affect the macroscopic evolution of the universe. 5. **Exploring the inflation mechanism**: The article introduces a scalar complex field, similar to the inflaton field, to explore its role in the structure of strong gravitational interactions. In addition, the article also discusses how this model is related to the density perturbation, eternal inflation and primordial chaos mechanisms in the standard inflation theory. ### Summary of mathematical formulas - **Line element of the cosmic wave function**: \[ ds^2_{[ac]}=-N^2(t)c^2dt^2+(\ln^{-1}[\beta(t)])^2\left(\frac{dr^2}{1 - kr^2(t)}+r^2(t)(d\theta^2+\sin^2\theta d\phi^2)\right) \] - **BCQG action**: \[ S_{HL}=\int d^3xdtL=\frac{M_P^2}{2}\int d^3xdtN\sqrt{g}(K_{ij}K^{ij}-\lambda K^2 - g_0M_P^2 - g_1R - g_2M_P^{-2}R^2-\cdots) \] - **Hamiltonian**: \[ H=\frac{1}{2N}u(-p_u^2+g_r - g_mu - g_ku^2 - g_qu^3+g_\Lambda u^4+\frac{g_s}{u^2}+\frac{1}{u^{3\alpha - 1}}p_v+\frac{1}{u^{3\omega - 1}}F(\phi)p_\phi^2+2V(\phi)) \] Through these methods, the article not only attempts to explain the inflation phenomenon in the early days of the universe, but also provides a new theoretical framework for understanding the dynamic evolution of the cosmic wave function and the overall structure of the universe.