Magnetic field-induced weak-to-strong-link transformation in patterned superconducting films
D. A. D. Chaves,M. I. Valerio-Cuadros,L. Jiang,E. A. Abbey,F. Colauto,A. A. M. Oliveira,A. M. H. Andrade,L. B. L. G. Pinheiro,T. H. Johansen,C. Xue,Y.-H. Zhou,A. V. Silhanek,W. A. Ortiz,M. Motta
Abstract:Ubiquitous in most superconducting materials and a common result of nanofabrication processes, weak-links are known for their limiting effects on the transport of electric currents. Still, they are at the root of key features of superconducting technology. By performing quantitative magneto-optical imaging experiments and thermomagnetic model simulations, we correlate the existence of local maxima in the magnetization loops of FIB-patterned Nb films to a magnetic field-induced weak-to-strong-link transformation increasing their critical current. This phenomenon arises from the nanoscale interaction between quantized magnetic flux lines and FIB-induced modifications of the device microstructure. Under an ac drive field, this leads to a rectified vortex motion along the weak-link. The reported tunable effect can be exploited in the development of new superconducting electronic devices, such as flux pumps and valves, to attenuate or amplify the supercurrent through a circuit element, and as a strategy to enhance the critical current in weak-link-bearing devices.
Superconductivity,Materials Science,Accelerator Physics,Applied Physics