Cosmic Radio Background from Primordial Black Holes at Cosmic Dawn
Zhihe Zhang,Bin Yue,Yidong Xu,Yin-Zhe Ma,Xuelei Chen,Maoyuan Liu
Abstract:The presence of an extra radio background besides the cosmic microwave background has important implications for the observation of the 21-cm signal during the cosmic Dark Ages, Cosmic Dawn, and epoch of Reionization. The strong absorption trough found in the 21-cm global spectrum measured by the EDGES experiment, which has a much greater depth than the standard model prediction, has drawn great interest to this scenario, but more generally it is still of great interest to consider such a cosmic radio background (CRB) in the early Universe. To be effective in affecting the 21-cm signal at early time, such a radio background must be produced by sources which can emit strong radio signals but modest amount of X-rays, so that the gas is not heated up too early. We investigate the scenario that such a radio background is produced by the primordial black holes (PBHs). For PBH with a single mass, we find that if the PBHs' abundance $\log(f_{\rm PBH})$ (ratio of total PBH mass density to total matter density) and mass satisfy the relation $\log(f_{\rm PBH}) \sim -1.8\log(M_\bullet/{\rm M}_{\odot})-3.5$ for $1\,{\rm M}_\odot \lesssim M_\bullet \lesssim 300 {\rm M}_\odot$, and have jet emission, they can generate a CRB required for reproducing the 21-cm absorption signal seen by the EDGES. The accretion rate can be boosted if the PBHs are surrounded by dark matter halos, which permits lower $f_{\rm PBH}$ value to satisfy the EDGES observation. In the latter scenario, since the accretion rate can evolve rapidly during the Cosmic Dawn, the frequency (redshift) and depth of the absorption trough can determine the mass and abundance of the PBHs simultaneously. For absorption trough redshift $\sim$ 17 and depth $\sim -500$ mK, it corresponds to $M_\bullet \sim 1.05\,{\rm M}_{\odot}$ and $f_{\rm PBH}\sim 1.5\times10^{-4}$.
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics