Abstract:For $(R, R^{+})$ an analytic perfectoid ring in char $p$, let $A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+})$ be the ring of Witt vectors with the induced topology from $(R, R^{+})$. We prove that $\text{Spa}(A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+}),A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+}))$ is sheafy and its structure sheaf is acyclic. We first show $A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+})$ is a stably uniform Banach ring using elements from the theory of prisms. The "stably uniform implies sheafy" argument is applied to Tate Huber rings in Buzzard-Verberkmoes(2015) and is generalized to analytic Huber rings in Kedlaya(2019). Here we show that the "stably uniform implies sheafy" argument in Kedlaya(2019) can be applied to general stably uniform Banach rings whose underlying topological ring is a Huber ring. Finally we show the equivalence of categories of vector bundles over $\text{Spa}(A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+}),A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+}))$ and finite projective modules over $A_{\text{inf}}(R^{+})$.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove that a specific affine formal space (adic space) is sheafy and its structure sheaf is acyclic. Specifically, for an analytically complete ring \((R, R^+)\) of characteristic \(p\), the author aims to prove that \(\text{Spa}(A_{\inf}(R^+), A_{\inf}(R^+))\) is a sheafy adic space and its structure sheaf \(\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spa}(A_{\inf}(R^+), A_{\inf}(R^+))}\) is acyclic.
### Main problems
1. **Prove that \(\text{Spa}(A_{\inf}(R^+), A_{\inf}(R^+))\) is sheafy**:
- The author needs to prove that this space satisfies the properties of a sheaf, that is, under any open covering, locally - defined objects can be uniquely glued into global objects.
2. **Prove that the structure sheaf \(\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spa}(A_{\inf}(R^+), A_{\inf}(R^+))}\) is acyclic**:
- The author needs to prove that the Čech cohomology of the structure sheaf on this space vanishes, which means that the Čech complex under any open covering is exact.
### Solutions
To achieve the above goals, the author takes the following steps:
1. **Prove that \(A_{\inf}(R^+)\) is a stably uniform Banach ring**:
- By embedding \(A_{\inf}(R^+)\) into its \(p\)-power - root completion \(A_{\inf}(R^+)\langle p^{p^{-\infty}}\rangle\) and using prismatic cohomology, the author shows the stability of \(A_{\inf}(R^+)\).
2. **Apply the "stably uniform implies sheafy" argument**:
- The author generalizes the results in [Ked19] about analytic Huber rings and proves that for a general stably uniform Banach ring, its corresponding adic space is sheafy.
3. **Verify the acyclicity of the structure sheaf**:
- By showing that the structure sheaf after any rational localization is still acyclic, finally prove the acyclicity of the entire structure sheaf.
### Formula summary
- **Gauss norm**:
\left\|\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}p^n[x_n]\right\|=\sup\{|x_n|:n = 0,1,\ldots\}
- **Weighted Gauss norm**:
\left\|\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}p^n[x_n]\right\|_{\rho}=\sup\{\rho^{-n}|x_n|:n = 0,1,\ldots\}
Through these steps and formulas, the author successfully proves the sheafiness of \(\text{Spa}(A_{\inf}(R^+), A_{\inf}(R^+))\) and the acyclicity of the structure sheaf, thus solving the main problem of this paper.