Embedding Planar Graphs into Graphs of Treewidth $O(\log^{3} n)$

Hsien-Chih Chang,Vincent Cohen-Addad,Jonathan Conroy,Hung Le,Marcin Pilipczuk,Michał Pilipczuk
Abstract:Cohen-Addad, Le, Pilipczuk, and Pilipczuk [CLPP23] recently constructed a stochastic embedding with expected $1+\varepsilon$ distortion of $n$-vertex planar graphs (with polynomial aspect ratio) into graphs of treewidth $O(\varepsilon^{-1}\log^{13} n)$. Their embedding is the first to achieve polylogarithmic treewidth. However, there remains a large gap between the treewidth of their embedding and the treewidth lower bound of $\Omega(\log n)$ shown by Carroll and Goel [CG04]. In this work, we substantially narrow the gap by constructing a stochastic embedding with treewidth $O(\varepsilon^{-1}\log^{3} n)$. We obtain our embedding by improving various steps in the CLPP construction. First, we streamline their embedding construction by showing that one can construct a low-treewidth embedding for any graph from (i) a stochastic hierarchy of clusters and (ii) a stochastic balanced cut. We shave off some logarithmic factors in this step by using a single hierarchy of clusters. Next, we construct a stochastic hierarchy of clusters with optimal separating probability and hop bound based on shortcut partition [CCLMST23, CCLMST24]. Finally, we construct a stochastic balanced cut with an improved trade-off between the cut size and the number of cuts. This is done by a new analysis of the contraction sequence introduced by [CLPP23]; our analysis gives an optimal treewidth bound for graphs admitting a contraction sequence.
Data Structures and Algorithms
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The core problem that this paper attempts to solve is **embedding planar graphs into graphs with small tree - width to achieve low - distortion random embedding**. Specifically, the author aims to narrow the gap between existing methods and the theoretical lower bound, and proposes a new random embedding method, so that the tree - width of the embedded graph is \(O(\epsilon^{-1}\log^3 n)\), thus significantly improving the previous result of \(O(\epsilon^{-1}\log^{13} n)\). ### Problem Background In graph theory and algorithm design, **metric embedding** is a commonly used technique for simplifying graphs with complex structures into simpler graphs in order to design approximation algorithms. Specifically, given an edge - weighted graph \(G\), by embedding it into another edge - weighted graph \(H\) with a simpler structure, an approximate solution to certain optimization problems \(\Pi\) on \(H\) can be solved, and then an approximate solution to \(\Pi\) on \(G\) can be obtained. The distortion of the embedding determines the approximation ratio, and the time complexity of solving \(\Pi\) depends on the structural simplicity of \(H\). ### Limitations of Existing Research Previous research has shown that for general graphs, any graph with \(n\) vertices can be randomly embedded into a tree with a distortion of \(O(\log n)\). However, for planar graphs, this distortion is already tight, that is, a better approximation ratio cannot be obtained by embedding into a tree. In order to achieve lower distortion, the structure of the input graph \(G\) must be restricted, and the category of the host graph \(H\) must be expanded so that it is not limited to trees. ### Main Contributions of the Paper In response to this problem, the author of this paper proposes a new random embedding method, which enables planar graphs to be embedded into graphs with a tree - width of \(O(\epsilon^{-1}\log^3 n)\) and an expected distortion of \(1 + \epsilon\). This not only greatly narrows the gap between existing methods and the theoretical lower bound, but also provides new ideas for further research. ### Main Technical Contributions 1. **Improved Clustering Chain Construction**: The author proposes a new clustering chain construction method, so that the probability of each edge being cut is inversely proportional to the diameter of its level. 2. **Improvement of Balanced Cuts**: By introducing a new analysis method, the author improves the construction of balanced cuts, reducing the cut size and distortion. 3. **Constant Separation Probability and Bounded Jump Diameter**: The author utilizes the properties of minor - free graphs to construct a clustering chain with a constant separation probability and a bounded jump diameter, thereby further optimizing the embedding results. ### Conclusion Through these improvements, the author successfully embeds planar graphs into graphs with a tree - width of \(O(\epsilon^{-1}\log^3 n)\), significantly improving the quality of the embedding and laying the foundation for future research. This result is of great significance for designing efficient approximation algorithms, especially for the k - MST problem on planar graphs.