Optimal control problems driven by nonlinear degenerate Fokker-Planck equations

Francesca Anceschi,Giacomo Ascione,Daniele Castorina,Francesco Solombrino
Abstract:The well-posedness of a class of optimal control problems is analysed, where the state equation couples a nonlinear degenerate Fokker-Planck equation with a system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Such problems naturally arise as mean-field limits of Stochastic Differential models for multipopulation dynamics, where a large number of agents (followers) is steered through parsimonious intervention on a selected class of leaders. The proposed approach combines stability estimates for measure solutions of nonlinear degenerate Fokker-Planck equations with a general framework of assumptions on the cost functional, ensuring compactness and lower semicontinuity properties. The Lie structure of the state equations allows one for considering non-Lipschitz nonlinearities, provided some suitable dissipativity assumptions are considered in addition to non-Euclidean Hölder and sublinearity conditions.
Optimization and Control,Analysis of PDEs,Probability
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The problems that the paper attempts to solve This paper aims to study a class of optimal control problems driven by the nonlinear degenerate Fokker - Planck equation. Specifically, the authors analyze the state equation in the following form: \[ \begin{cases} \partial_t \mu_t = -v \cdot \nabla_x \mu_t+\sigma \Delta_v \mu_t - \text{div}_v (v[t, \mu](z)\mu_t), & (t, x, v)\in(0, T]\times\mathbb{R}^{2d},\\ \mu_0=\bar{\mu}(x, v)\in\mathbb{R}^{2d}, \end{cases} \] where $\sigma\in\mathbb{R}$, and the drift field $v$ can explicitly depend on the solution $\mu$ of the problem. Therefore, the above equation is a nonlinear Fokker - Planck equation driven by the non - local drift field $v[t, \mu]$. A typical example is the choice: \[ v[t, \mu](z) = H(t, z)*\mu_t. \] Furthermore, (1.1) is the natural mean - field counterpart of the second - order multi - agent system under additive noise, see (1.3). In this case, if it is assumed that the natural dynamics are driven by interactions (see Appendix D), then a drift field in the form of $v[t, \mu]$ will appear. This type of mean - field system is closely related to many applications. For example, it is used for modeling cell aggregation in biology [15, 19, 23, 26], for modeling chemical networks in chemistry [30, 37, 38], and even for describing human interactions in social sciences [14, 20, 31, 45]. In addition, the controlled leader - follower multi - agent system is also used for gene regulation [34, 44], traffic control [41], swarm control [7], or oil cleanup by controlled robots [49]. The main objectives of the paper are to solve the following problems: 1. **Well - posedness**: Prove the well - posedness of the optimal control problem driven by the above - mentioned nonlinear degenerate Fokker - Planck equation, including existence and uniqueness. 2. **Stability**: Analyze the stability estimates of the solution. 3. **Optimal control problem**: Consider the optimal control problem related to the nonlinear Fokker - Planck equation and prove the existence of its solution. Through these studies, the authors hope to provide a theoretical basis for the control problems of a large number of followers, especially in the mean - field limit, to guide the behavior of a large number of followers through a small number of selected leaders.