Mass spectra in ${\cal N}=1\, SU(N_c)$ SQCD with $N_F=N_c$ and problems with S-confinement
Victor L. Chernyak
Abstract:The low energy mass spectra of the direct $SU(N_c)$, $\,N_F=N_c$ $\,{\cal N}=1$ SQCD theory and its N.Seiberg's dual variant [1], considered as two independent theories, are calculated in sections 2 and 3. It is shown that these two mass spectra are parametrically different, both for equal or unequal small quark masses $m_{Q,i}\neq 0$.
In [17] the very special non-SUSY lattice $SU(N_c)$ QCD theory with $N_F=N_c$ scalar defective "quarks" in the unitary gauge, $\Phi^i_{\beta}=\delta^i_{\beta}(|v|=const > 0)$, was considered by E.Fradkin and S.H.Shenker. The conclusion of [17] was that the transition between the confinement and higgs regimes in this theory is the analytic crossover, not the non-analytic phase transition. And although the theory considered in [17] was very specific, the experience shows that up to now there is a widely spread opinion that this conclusion has general applicability.
This model used in [17] is criticized in section 5 of this paper as incompatible with and qualitatively different from the standard non-SUSY $SU(N_c)$ $N_F=N_c$ QCD theory with standard scalar quarks $\phi^i_{\beta}$ with all their $N^2_F$ real degrees of freedom. It is emphasized that this model [17] is really the Stuckelberg $SU(N_c)$ YM-theory with no dynamical electric quarks and with massive all $N_c^2-1$ electric gluons with fixed by hands nonzero masses. There is no genuine confinement in this theory, it stays permanently in the completely higgsed phase only. And this is a reason for a crossover in this theory. While in the theory with standard scalar quarks there is the phase transition between the confinement and higgs phases.
Besides, in section 5, the arguments presented in [2] by K.Intriligator and N.Seiberg for the standard direct $SU(N_c)$, $N_F=N_c$ $\,{\cal N}=1$ SQCD in support of the crossover from [17] are criticized as erroneous.
High Energy Physics - Theory,High Energy Physics - Lattice,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology