Probing the anomalous triple $ZZγ$ and $Zγγ$ couplings at the FCC-$μp$ and SPPC-$μp$
E. Gurkanli
Abstract:In this study, 24.5 TeV CoM energy FCC-$\mu p$ and 20.2 TeV CoM energy SPPC-$\mu p$ muon-proton colliders have been utilized to explore the anomalous $ZZ\gamma$ and $Z\gamma\gamma$ couplings corresponding to dim-8 operators through the process of $\mu^- \gamma \to Z l^{-} \to l^{-} \tilde{\nu_{l}} \nu_{l}$. A cut-based method has been applied to enhance the signal background ratio in the analysis. Coupling limits, at a 95\% Confidence Level (C.L.), under the systematic uncertainties of 0\%, 3\%, and 5\%, were obtained with luminosities of ${\cal L}_{int}=5$ and 42.8 fb$^{-1}$ for FCC-$\mu p$ and SPPC-$\mu p$ colliders, respectively. The limits for anomalous $C_{BB}/\Lambda^{4}$, $C_{\tilde{B}W}/\Lambda^{4}$, $C_{WW}/\Lambda^{4}$, $C_{BW}/\Lambda^{4}$ couplings without systematic uncertainty for FCC-$\mu p$ and SPPC-$\mu p$ were found as follows, respectively: [0.06845; 0.070019967] TeV-4, [-0.18662; 0.18422] TeV-4, [-0.23623; 0.23815] TeV-4, [-0.61912; 0.62072] TeV-4, and [-0.06606; 0.05050] TeV-4, [-0.15791; 0.15126] TeV-4, [-0.20663; 0.19155] TeV-4, [-0.51383; 0.52211] TeV-4.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology