Ramanujan--Fine integrals for level 10

Shaun Cooper,Timothy Huber,Jeffery Opoku
Abstract:We investigate the question of when an eta quotient is a derivative of a formal power series with integer coefficients and present an analysis in the case of level 10. As a consequence, we establish and classify an infinite number of integral evaluations such as $$ \int_0^{e^{-2\pi/\sqrt{10}}} q\prod_{j=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^j)^3(1-q^{10j})^8}{(1-q^{5j})^7} \text{d} q = \frac14\left(\sqrt{10-4\sqrt{5}}-1\right). $$ We describe how the results were found and give reasons for why it is reasonable to conjecture that the list is complete for level 10.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to study and solve how to determine and classify an infinite number of integral evaluations when an eta - quotient is the derivative of a formal power series, especially in the case of level 10. Specifically, the authors explore the following problems: 1. **Conditions for eta - quotient as the derivative of a power series**: The authors study when an eta - quotient can be represented as the derivative of a formal power series, and these power series have integer coefficients. 2. **Existence and classification of Ramanujan - Fine integrals**: Through the study of the above eta - quotient, the authors establish many integral evaluations and attempt to classify all possible Ramanujan - Fine integrals under level 10. ### Specific contributions of the paper - **Newly discovered integral examples**: The authors found eight examples that are suitable to be divided into two groups, as well as four infinite - family examples. - **Theoretical analysis**: The authors use Ramanujan's level 10 function \(k\) to analyze the results and reduce the problem to whether the indefinite integral is a rational function. - **Proofs and conjectures**: The authors give proofs that the integral is a rational function under certain conditions and propose a conjecture (Conjecture 5.1) regarding the completeness of these conditions. ### Formula presentation The key formulas involved in the paper include: 1. **Definition of the eta function**: \[ \eta(\tau)=q^{1 / 24} \prod_{j = 1}^{\infty}(1 - q^{j}) \] where \(q = e^{2\pi i\tau}\). 2. **Key integral expression**: \[ \int_{0}^{e^{-2\pi / \sqrt{10}}} q^{a}E(q)^{e_{1}}E(q^{2})^{e_{2}}E(q^{5})^{e_{5}}E(q^{10})^{e_{10}}\frac{dq}{q} \] where \(E(q)=\prod_{j = 1}^{\infty}(1 - q^{j})\). 3. **Definition of the Ramanujan parameter \(k\)**: \[ k(q)=r(q)r^{2}(q^{2})=q \prod_{j = 1}^{\infty}\frac{(1 - q^{10j - 9})(1 - q^{10j - 8})(1 - q^{10j - 2})(1 - q^{10j - 1})}{(1 - q^{10j - 7})(1 - q^{10j - 6})(1 - q^{10j - 4})(1 - q^{10j - 3})} \] Through these formulas, the authors show how to transform complex eta - quotients into more tractable forms and finally solve the problem of integral evaluation.