Induced subgraph density. II. Sparse and dense sets in cographs
Jacob Fox,Tung Nguyen,Alex Scott,Paul Seymour
Abstract:A well-known theorem of Rödl says that for every graph $H$, and every $\epsilon>0$, there exists $\delta>0$ such that if $G$ does not contain an induced copy of $H$, then there exists $X\subseteq V(G)$ with $|X|\ge\delta|G|$ such that one of $G[X],\overline{G}[X]$ has edge-density at most $\epsilon$. But how does $\delta$ depend on $\epsilon$? Fox and Sudakov conjectured that the dependence can be taken to be polynomial: for all $H$ there exists $c>0$ such that for all $\epsilon\in(0,1/2)$, Rödl's theorem holds with $\delta=\epsilon^c$. This conjecture implies the Erdős-Hajnal conjecture, and until now it had not been verified for any non-trivial graphs $H$. Our first result shows that it is true when $H=P_4$ (indeed, we can take $\delta=\epsilon$, and insist that one of $G[X],\overline{G}[X]$ has maximum degree at most $\epsilon^2|G|$).)
We will generalize this, and to do so, we need to work with an even stronger property. Let us say $H$ is {\em viral} if there exists $c>0$ such that for all $\epsilon\in(0,1/2)$, if $G$ contains at most $\epsilon^c|G|^{|H|}$ induced copies of $H$, then there exists $X\subseteq V(G)$ with $|X|\ge \epsilon^c|G|$ such that one of $G[X],\overline{G}[X]$ has density at most $\epsilon$. We will show that $P_4$ is viral, using a ``polynomial $P_4$-removal lemma'' of Alon and Fox. We will also show that viral graphs are closed under vertex-substitution, and so all graphs that can be obtained by substitution from copies of $P_4$ are viral. (In a subsequent paper, it will be shown that all graphs currently known to satisfy the Erdős-Hajnal conjecture are in fact viral.)
Finally, we give a different strengthening of Rödl's theorem: we show that if $G$ does not contain an induced copy of $P_4$, then its vertices can be partitioned into at most $480\epsilon^{-4}$ subsets $X$ such that one of $G[X],\overline{G}[X]$ has density at most $\epsilon$.