Singular support for G-categories

Gurbir Dhillon,Joakim Faergeman
Abstract:For a reductive group $G$, we introduce a notion of singular support for cocomplete dualizable DG-categories equipped with a strong $G$-action. This is done by considering the singular support of the sheaves of matrix coefficients arising from the action. We focus particularly on dualizable $G$-categories whose singular support lies in the nilpotent cone of $\mathfrak{g}^*$ and refer to these as nilpotent $G$-categories. For such categories, we give a characterization of the singular support in terms of the vanishing of its generalized Whittaker models. We study parabolic induction and restriction functors of nilpotent $G$-categories and show that they interact with singular support in a desired way. We prove that if an orbit is maximal in the singular support of a nilpotent $G$-category $\mathcal{C}$, the Hochschild homology of the generalized Whittaker model of $\mathcal{C}$ coincides with the microstalk of the character sheaf of $\mathcal{C}$ at that orbit. This should be considered a categorified analogue of a result of Moeglin-Waldspurger that the dimension of the generalized Whittaker model of a smooth admissible representation of a reductive group over a non-Archimedean local field of characteristic zero coincides with the Fourier coefficient in the wave-front set of that orbit. As a consequence, we give another proof of a theorem of Bezrukavnikov-Losev, classifying finite-dimensional modules for $W$-algebras with fixed regular central character. More precisely, we realize the (rationalized) Grothendieck group of this category as a certain subrepresentation of the Springer representation. Along the way, we show that the Springer action of the Weyl group on the twisted Grothendieck--Springer sheaves is the categorical trace of the wall crossing functors, extending an observation of Zhu for integral central characters.
Representation Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to introduce the concept of singular support for dualizing DG categories with strong \(G\)-actions, and to study how the generalized Whittaker models of these categories behave microscopically. Specifically, the authors mainly focus on those dualizing \(G\)-categories whose singular supports are located in the nilpotent cone of the Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{g}^*\) (i.e., nilpotent \(G\)-categories), and give a characterization of their singular supports. The following are the specific problems that this paper attempts to solve: 1. **Introduction of the concept of singular support**: For a reductive group \(G\), the authors introduce the concept of singular support for complete dualizing DG categories with strong \(G\)-actions. This is achieved by considering the singular support of the sheaf of matrix coefficients generated by the \(G\)-action. 2. **Definition and properties of nilpotent \(G\)-categories**: In particular, the authors focus on dualizing \(G\)-categories whose singular supports are located in the nilpotent cone, and call them nilpotent \(G\)-categories. They give a characterization of the singular support of nilpotent \(G\)-categories under the vanishing condition of the generalized Whittaker model. 3. **Study of parabolic induction and restriction functors**: The authors study the parabolic induction and restriction functors of nilpotent \(G\)-categories, and show their nice interactions with the singular support. 4. **Microlocal description of Hochschild homology and character sheaves**: The authors prove that if an orbit is maximal in the singular support of a nilpotent \(G\)-category \(C\), then the Hochschild homology of the generalized Whittaker model of \(C\) is consistent with the microlocal part of its character sheaf on this orbit. This can be regarded as a categorical analogue of the results in [MW87]. 5. **Classification of finite - dimensional \(W\)-algebra modules**: As an application of the above work, the authors give a new proof of finite - dimensional \(W\)-algebra modules with a fixed regular central character. More precisely, they regard the (rationalized) Grothendieck group of this type of modules as a certain sub - representation of the Springer representation. 6. **Generalization of the Springer action**: The authors also show that the Springer action can be regarded as the categorical trace of the wall - crossing functor, thus extending Zhu's observation for integral central characters. In summary, this paper aims to provide a new framework for nilpotent \(G\)-categories by introducing the concept of singular support and studying the microscopic properties of the generalized Whittaker model, and uses this framework to solve several important problems, such as the classification of finite - dimensional \(W\)-algebra modules.