Wormhole Geometry and Three-Dimensional Embedding in Extended Symmetric Teleparallel Gravity
V. Venkatesha,Chaitra Chooda Chalavadi,N. S. Kavya,P. K. Sahoo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.newast.2023.102090
Abstract:In the present manuscript, we study traversable wormhole solutions in the background of extended symmetric teleparallel gravity with matter coupling. With the anisotropic matter distribution we probe the wormhole geometry for two different gravity models. Primarily, we consider the linear model $ f(Q,T) =Q + 2 \, \xi \,T$. Firstly, we presume a logarithmic form of shape function and analyze the scenario for different redshift functions. Secondly, for a specific form of energy density, we derive a shape function and note its satisfying behavior. Next, for the non-linear model $f(Q,T) = Q + \alpha ,Q^2 + \beta ,T$ and a specific shape function we examine the wormhole solution. Further, with the aid of embedding diagrams, we interpreted the geometry of wormhole models. Finally, we conclude results.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology,High Energy Physics - Theory