Breakdown of the single-mode description of ultradilute quantum droplets in binary Bose mixtures: A perspective from a microscopic bosonic pairing theory

Hui Hu,Jia Wang,Han Pu,Xia-Ji Liu
Abstract:In his seminal proposal of quantum droplets in binary Bose mixtures {[}Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{115}, 155302 (2015){]}, Dmitry Petrov suggested that the density ratio $n_{2}/n_{1}$ of the two bosonic components are locked to an optimal value, which is given by the square root of the ratio of the two intra-species scattering lengths, i.e., $\sqrt{a_{11}/a_{22}}$. Due to such a density locking, quantum droplets can be efficiently described by using an extended Gross--Pitaevskii equation within the single-mode approximation. Here, we find that this single-mode description necessarily breaks down in the deep quantum droplet regime, when the attractive inter-species scattering length $a_{12}$ significantly deviates away from the threshold of mean-field collapse (i.e., $-\sqrt{a_{11}a_{22}}$). By applying a bosonic pairing theory, we show that the density ratio is allowed to fluctuate in a sizable interval. Most importantly, the optimal density ratio would be very different from $\sqrt{a_{11}/a_{22}}$, in the case of unequal intra-species scattering lengths ($a_{11}\neq a_{22}$). Our finding might provide a plausible microscopic explanation of the puzzling low critical particle number of quantum droplets, as experimentally observed. Our predicted interval of the density ratio, as a function of the inter-species scattering length, could also be experimentally examined in cold-atom laboratories in the near future.
Quantum Gases
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