TSC: A Simple Two-Sided Constraint against Over-Smoothing
Furong Peng,Kang Liu,Xuan Lu,Yuhua Qian,Hongren Yan,Chao Ma
Abstract:Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN), a widely adopted method for analyzing relational data, enhances node discriminability through the aggregation of neighboring information. Usually, stacking multiple layers can improve the performance of GCN by leveraging information from high-order neighbors. However, the increase of the network depth will induce the over-smoothing problem, which can be attributed to the quality and quantity of neighbors changing: (a) neighbor quality, node's neighbors become overlapping in high order, leading to aggregated information becoming indistinguishable, (b) neighbor quantity, the exponentially growing aggregated neighbors submerges the node's initial feature by recursively aggregating operations. Current solutions mainly focus on one of the above causes and seldom consider both at once.
Aiming at tackling both causes of over-smoothing in one shot, we introduce a simple Two-Sided Constraint (TSC) for GCNs, comprising two straightforward yet potent techniques: random masking and contrastive constraint. The random masking acts on the representation matrix's columns to regulate the degree of information aggregation from neighbors, thus preventing the convergence of node representations. Meanwhile, the contrastive constraint, applied to the representation matrix's rows, enhances the discriminability of the nodes. Designed as a plug-in module, TSC can be easily coupled with GCN or SGC architectures. Experimental analyses on diverse real-world graph datasets verify that our approach markedly reduces the convergence of node's representation and the performance degradation in deeper GCN.
Machine Learning