Bigness of adjoint linear subsystem and approximation theorems with ideal sheaves on weakly pseudoconvex manifolds
Yuta Watanabe
Abstract:Let $X$ be a weakly pseudoconvex manifold and $L\longrightarrow X$ be a holomorphic line bundle with a singular positive Hermitian metric $h$. In this article, we provide a points separation theorem and an embedding for the adjoint linear subsystem including the multiplier ideal sheaf $\mathscr{I}(h^m)$, with respect to an appropriate set excluding a singular locus of $h$. We also show that the adjoint bundle of $L$ is big. To handle analytical methods, we first establish an approximation of singular Hermitian metrics on relatively compact subsets from Demailly's approximation that preserves ideal sheaves and is compatible with blow-ups. Using the blow-ups obtained from this approximation, we provide the embedding and big-ness for the adjoint bundle $K_X\otimes L^{\otimes m}\otimes\mathscr{I}(h^m)$ on each sublevel set $X_c$, and a singular holomorphic Morse inequality including ideal sheaves. Furthermore, we establish the approximation theorem for holomorphic sections of the adjoint bundle including the multiplier ideal sheaf, i.e. $K_X\otimes L\otimes\mathscr{I}(h)$, as a key result in the process of globalizing. Using these results, we can achieve points separation on each $X_c\setminus Z_c$, where $Z_c$ is an analytic subset obtained as a singular locus of the approximation, and then globalize this to provide embeddings. Finally, as an application of this blow-ups, we present a global singular Nakano vanishing theorem.
Complex Variables