Probabilistic degenerate Bernstein polynomials

Jinyu Wang,Yuankui Ma,Taekyun Kim,Dae San Kim
Abstract:In recent years, both degenerate versions and probabilistic extensions of many special numbers and polynomials have been explored. For instance, degenerate Bernstein polynomials and probabilistic Bernstein polynomials were investigated earlier. Assume that Y is a random variable whose moment generating function exists in a neighborhood of the origin. The aim of this paper is to study probabilistic degenerate Bernstein polynomials associated with Y which are both probabilistic extension of the degenerate Bernstein polynomials and degenerate version of the probabilistic Bernstein polynomials associated with $Y$. We derive several explicit expressions and certain related identities for those polynomials. In addition, we treat the special cases of the Poisson random variable, the Bernoulli random variable and of the binomial random variable.
Number Theory,Probability
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the Probabilistic Degenerate Bernstein Polynomials related to the random variable \(Y\). Specifically, the author aims to explore the properties of these polynomials and derive several of their explicit expressions and related identities. The following are the main objectives of the paper: 1. **Introduce Probabilistic Degenerate Bernstein Polynomials**: - The author defines the Probabilistic Degenerate Bernstein Polynomials \(B_{k,n}^{Y}(x|\lambda)\) related to the random variable \(Y\). These polynomials can be regarded as the probabilistic extension of the degenerate Bernstein polynomials and also the degenerate version of the probabilistic Bernstein polynomials. 2. **Derive Explicit Expressions and Identities**: - The author has derived several explicit expressions of \(B_{k,n}^{Y}(x|\lambda)\), including expressions involving degenerate Stirling numbers, degenerate Bell polynomials and other related polynomials. - The special cases of these polynomials under different types of random variables, such as Poisson random variables, Bernoulli random variables and binomial random variables, have been studied. 3. **Explore the Relationship with Other Polynomials**: - The paper explores the relationship between Probabilistic Degenerate Bernstein Polynomials and other special polynomials (such as Probabilistic Degenerate Bernoulli Polynomials and Probabilistic Degenerate Euler Polynomials). Through these studies, the author hopes to provide a theoretical basis and new perspectives for further research on the degenerate versions and probabilistic extensions of special numbers and polynomials. ### Formula Summary - **Definition of Probabilistic Degenerate Bernstein Polynomials**: \[ \frac{1}{k!}(x)_{k,\lambda}t^k\left(E\left[e^{Y_\lambda(t)}\right]\right)^{1 - x}=\sum_{n = k}^{\infty}B_{k,n}^{Y}(x|\lambda)\frac{t^n}{n!} \] where \((x)_{k,\lambda}=x(x - \lambda)(x - 2\lambda)\cdots(x-(k - 1)\lambda)\) is the degenerate falling factorial power. - **Case of Poisson Random Variable**: \[ B_{k,n}^{Y}(x|\lambda)=\binom{n}{k}(x)_{k,\lambda}\phi_{n - k,\lambda}(\alpha(1 - x)) \] - **Case of Bernoulli Random Variable**: \[ B_{k,n}^{Y}(x|\lambda)=\binom{n}{k}(x)_{k,\lambda}\sum_{l = 0}^{n - k}p^l\frac{(1 - x)^l}{l!}\left\{\begin{array}{c}n - k\\l\end{array}\right\}_\lambda \] - **Case of Binomial Random Variable**: \[ B_{k,n}^{Y}(x|\lambda)=\binom{n}{k}(x)_{k,\lambda}\sum_{j = 0}^{n - k}p^j\binom{m(1 - x)}{j}\frac{1}{j!}\left\{\begin{array}{c}n - k\\j\end{array}\right\}_\lambda \] These formulas show the specific forms of Probabilistic Degenerate Bernstein Polynomials under different random variables and provide important mathematical tools for subsequent research.