Spectral Turán problems for hypergraphs with bipartite or multipartite pattern

Jian Zheng,Honghai Li,Yi-zheng Fan
Abstract:General criteria on spectral extremal problems for hypergraphs were developed by Keevash, Lenz, and Mubayi in their seminal work (SIAM J. Discrete Math., 2014), in which extremal results on \alpha-spectral radius of hypergraphs for \alpha>1 may be deduced from the corresponding hypergraph Turán problem which has the stability property and whose extremal construction satisfies some continuity assumptions. Using this criterion, we give two general spectral Turán results for hypergraphs with bipartite or mulitpartite pattern, transform corresponding the spectral Turán problems into pure combinatorial problems with respect to degree-stability of a nondegenerate k-graph family. As an application, we determine the maximum \alpha-spectral radius for some classes of hypergraphs and characterize the corresponding extremal hypergraphs, such as the expansion of complete graphs, the generalized Fans, the cancellative hypergraphs, the generalized triangles, and a special book hypergraph.
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