Bordism and resolution of singularities
Mohammed Abouzaid,Shaoyun Bai
Abstract:We adapt algorithms for resolving the singularities of complex algebraic varieties to prove that the natural map of homology theories from complex bordism to the bordism theory of complex derived orbifolds splits. In equivariant stable homotopy theory, our techniques yield a splitting of homology theories for the map from bordism to the equivariant bordism theory of a finite group $\Gamma$, given by assigning to a manifold its product with $\Gamma$. In symplectic topology, and using recent work of Abouzaid-McLean-Smith and Hirshi-Swaminathan, we conclude that one can define complex cobordism-valued Gromov-Witten invariant for arbirary (closed) symplectic manifolds. We apply our results to constrain the topology of the space of Hamiltonian fibrations over $S^2$. The methods we develop apply to normally complex orbifolds, and will hence lead to applications in symplectic topology that rely on moduli spaces of holomorphic curves with Lagrangian boundary conditions.
Algebraic Topology,Algebraic Geometry,Symplectic Geometry