The structure of primitive permutation groups with finite suborbits and t.d.l.c. groups admitting a compact open subgroup that is maximal
Simon M. Smith
Abstract:This paper is about the structure of infinite primitive permutation groups and totally disconnected locally compact groups ("tdlc groups'"). The permutation groups we investigate are subdegree-finite (i.e. all orbits of point stabilisers are finite). Automorphism groups of connected, locally finite graphs are examples of subdegree-finite permutation groups.
The tdlc groups we investigate all have a maximal subgroup that is compact and open. Tdlc groups with few open subgroups (recently studied by Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace and Timothée Marquis) are examples of such groups.
We prove a classification result, and use it to show that every closed, subdegree-finite primitive group is a primitive subgroup of a product H Wr F_1 [X] F_2 Wr ... [X] F_{m-1} Wr F_m, where H is a closed, subdegree-finite and primitive group that is either finite or one-ended and almost topologically simple. The groups F_i are transitive and finite and m is finite. The product [X] here denotes the recently discovered box product, and all wreath products here act via their product action.
We apply this permutational result to tdlc groups. If G is a tdlc group then it contains a compact open subgroup V. The permutation group induced by the action of G on the coset space G/V is called the Schlichting completion of the pair (G,V), and is denoted G//V. Knowledge of this action of G on G/V underpins many recent influential results in tdlc theory. We show that if V is a maximal subgroup of G, and G is non-compact, then G//V is subject to a topological interpretation of our result for primitive groups. We use this to show that in this case, if G//V is nondiscrete, preserves no nontrivial homogenous cartesian decomposition on G/V, and does not split nontrivially over a compact open subgroup, then the monolith of G//V is a nondiscrete, one-ended, topologically simple, compactly generated tdlc group.
Group Theory