Abstract:Over the last two decades, several fast, robust, and high-order accurate methods have been developed for solving the Poisson equation in complicated geometry using potential theory. In this approach, rather than discretizing the partial differential equation itself, one first evaluates a volume integral to account for the source distribution within the domain, followed by solving a boundary integral equation to impose the specified boundary conditions. Here, we present a new fast algorithm which is easy to implement and compatible with virtually any discretization technique, including unstructured domain triangulations, such as those used in standard finite element or finite volume methods. Our approach combines earlier work on potential theory for the heat equation, asymptotic analysis, the nonuniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT), and the dual-space multilevel kernel-splitting (DMK) framework. It is insensitive to flaws in the triangulation, permitting not just nonconforming elements, but arbitrary aspect ratio triangles, gaps and various other degeneracies. On a single CPU core, the scheme computes the solution at a rate comparable to that of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in work per gridpoint.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to solve the Poisson equation efficiently and accurately in complex geometries. Specifically, the author proposes a new fast algorithm for calculating layer and volume potentials to solve the boundary - value problem of the Poisson equation in complex geometries. This method combines the potential theory of the heat conduction equation, asymptotic analysis, the non - uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT), and the dual - space multilevel kernel splitting framework (DMK). The new algorithm has the following characteristics:
1. **Easy to implement**: The algorithm is simple and easy to implement in programming.
2. **Robustness**: It is not sensitive to mesh defects and can handle irregular elements, triangles with arbitrary aspect ratios, gaps, and other degenerate cases.
3. **Efficiency**: The computing speed on a single CPU core is comparable to that of the fast Fourier transform (FFT), and the workload per grid point is close to the speed of FFT.
4. **Compatibility**: It is applicable to almost any discretization technique, including unstructured domain triangulations, such as the standard finite element or finite volume methods.
### Problem Background
The Poisson equation is one of the important partial differential equations for describing physical phenomena and is widely used in electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, heat conduction, and other fields. When solving the Poisson equation in complex geometries, traditional numerical methods may encounter difficulties, such as complex mesh generation and high computational costs. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop an efficient and robust solution method.
### Main Contributions
The main contributions of the paper include:
- **New algorithm**: A new fast algorithm is proposed, which combines the advantages of multiple existing techniques and can efficiently calculate volume and layer potentials in complex geometries.
- **Asymptotic expansion**: High - order asymptotic expansion formulas for volume and layer potentials are derived, especially for high - precision approximations when the target point is close to the boundary.
- **Decomposition strategy**: The history part is divided into near - history and far - history, reducing the computational cost of the Fourier transform.
- **Numerical experiments**: The effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm are verified through numerical experiments.
### Formula Summary
The form of the Poisson equation is:
-\Delta u(x) = f(x) \quad \text{for } x \in \Omega,
where \( \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \) is an interior or exterior region, and the boundary conditions can be Dirichlet or Neumann conditions:
u(x) = g(x) \quad \text{for } x \in \partial \Omega,
\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu}(x) = g(x) \quad \text{for } x \in \partial \Omega.
The volume potential \( V[f](x) \) is defined as:
V[f](x) = \int_{\Omega} G(x - x') f(x') \, dx',
where \( G(x) = -\frac{1}{2\pi} \log \|x\| \) is the fundamental solution of the two - dimensional Poisson equation.
The single - layer potential \( S[\sigma](x) \) and the double - layer potential \( D[\mu](x) \) are respectively defined as:
S[\sigma](x) = \int_{\partial \Omega} G(x - x') \sigma(x') \, ds_{x'},
D[\mu](x) = \int_{\partial \Omega} \frac{\partial G}{\partial \nu_{x'}}(x - x') \mu(x') \, ds_{x'}.
Through these formulas, the paper proposes an efficient and robust algorithm to calculate the solutions of complex Poisson equations.