Stochastic reaction networks within interacting compartments
David F. Anderson,Aidan S. Howells
Abstract:Stochastic reaction networks, which are usually modeled as continuous-time Markov chains on $\mathbb Z^d_{\ge 0}$, and simulated via a version of the "Gillespie algorithm," have proven to be a useful tool for the understanding of processes, chemical and otherwise, in homogeneous environments. There are multiple avenues for generalizing away from the assumption that the environment is homogeneous, with the proper modeling choice dependent upon the context of the problem being considered. One such generalization was recently introduced in (Duso and Zechner, PNAS, 2020), where the proposed model includes a varying number of interacting compartments, or cells, each of which contains an evolving copy of the stochastic reaction system. The novelty of the model is that these compartments also interact via the merging of two compartments (including their contents), the splitting of one compartment into two, and the appearance and destruction of compartments. In this paper we begin a systematic exploration of the mathematical properties of this model. We (i) obtain basic/foundational results pertaining to explosivity, transience, recurrence, and positive recurrence of the model, (ii) explore a number of examples demonstrating some possible non-intuitive behaviors of the model, and (iii) identify the limiting distribution of the model in a special case that generalizes three formulas from an example in (Duso and Zechner, PNAS, 2020).
Probability,Quantitative Methods