Direct observation of the Higgs particle in a superconductor by non-equilibrium Raman scattering
Tomke E. Glier,Sida Tian,Mika Rerrer,Lea Westphal,Garret Lüllau,Liwen Feng,Jakob Dolgner,Rafael Haenel,Marta Zonno,Hiroshi Eisaki,Martin Greven,Andrea Damascelli,Stefan Kaiser,Dirk Manske,Michael Rübhausen
Abstract:Even before its role in electroweak symmetry breaking, the Anderson-Higgs mechanism was introduced to explain the Meissner effect in superconductors. Spontaneous symmetry-breaking yields massless phase modes representing the low-energy excitations of the Mexican-Hat potential. Only in superconductors the phase mode is shifted towards higher energies owing to the gauge field of the charged condensate. This results in a low-energy excitation spectrum governed by the Higgs mode. Consequently, the Meissner effect signifies a macroscopic quantum condensate in which a photon acquires mass, representing a one-to-one analogy to high-energy physics. We report on the direct observation of the Higgs particle in the high-temperature superconductor Bi-2212 by developing an innovative technique to study its symmetries and energies after a "soft quench" of the Mexican-Hat potential. Population inversion of the metastable Higgs particle induced by an initial laser pulse allows identifying the polarization-dependent Higgs modes as an additional anti-Stokes Raman-scattering signal. Within Ginzburg-Landau theory, the Higgs-mode energy is connected to the Cooper-pair coherence length. Within a BCS weak-coupling model we develop a quantitative and coherent description of single-particle and two-particle channels. This opens the avenue for Higgs Spectroscopy in quantum condensates and provides a unique pathway to control and explore Higgs physics.