Incoherent diffractive dijet production in electron DIS off nuclei at high energy
Benjamin Rodriguez-Aguilar,D. N. Triantafyllopoulos,S. Y. Wei
Abstract:We study incoherent diffractive dijet production in electron-nucleus deep inelastic scattering at small $x_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle Bj}$ within the Color Glass Condensate. We follow the general approach of [1] but we focus on the correlation limit, that is, when the momentum transfer $\Delta_{\perp}$ and the gluon saturation momentum $Q_s$ of the nucleus are much smaller than the individual jet momentum $P_{\perp}$. We arrive at analytic expressions for the dijet cross section, which can be written as a sum of four terms which exhibit factorization: each such term is a product between a hard factor, which includes the decay of the virtual photon to the $q\bar{q}$ pair, and a semi-hard one which involves the dipole-nucleus scattering amplitude. We further calculate the azimuthal anisotropies $\langle \cos 2 \phi \rangle$ and $\langle \cos 4 \phi \rangle$. They are of the same order in the hard momentum $P_{\perp}$, but the $\langle \cos 4 \phi \rangle$ is logarithmically suppressed due to its dependence on the semi-hard factor. Finally, in order to extend the validity of our result towards the perturbative domain, we calculate the first higher kinematic twist, i.e. the correction of relative order $\Delta_{\perp}^2/P_{\perp}^2$.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology