Simultaneously Satisfying MXS and EFL
Arash Ashuri,Vasilis Gkatzelis
Abstract:The two standard fairness notions in the resource allocation literature are proportionality and envy-freeness. If there are n agents competing for the available resources, then proportionality requires that each agent receives at least a 1/n fraction of their total value for the set of resources. On the other hand, envy-freeness requires that each agent weakly prefers the resources allocated to them over those allocated to any other agent. Each of these notions has its own benefits, but it is well known that neither one of the two is always achievable when the resources being allocated are indivisible. As a result, a lot of work has focused on satisfying fairness notions that relax either proportionality or envy-freeness. In this paper, we focus on MXS (a relaxation of proportionality) and EFL (a relaxation of envy-freeness). Each of these notions was previously shown to be achievable on its own [Barman et al.,2018, Caragiannis et al., 2023], and our main result is an algorithm that computes allocations that simultaneously satisfy both, combining the benefits of approximate proportionality and approximate envy-freeness. In fact, we prove this for any instance involving agents with valuation functions that are restricted MMS-feasible, which are more general than additive valuations. Also, since every EFL allocation directly satisfies other well-studied fairness notions like EF1, 1/2-EFX, 1/2-GMMS, and 2/3-PMMS, and every MXS allocation satisfies 4/7-MMS, the allocations returned by our algorithm simultaneously satisfy a wide variety of fairness notions and are, therefore, universally fair [Amanatidis et al., 2020].
Computer Science and Game Theory