An update on site search activities for SWGO
M. Santander,U. Barres de Almeida,J. A. Bellido,T. Bulik,C. Dib,B. Dingus,S. Garcia,F. Guarino,P. Huentemeyer,D. Mandat,E. Meza,L. Mendes,L. Nellen,C. Ocampo,L. Otiniano,E. Quispe,A. Reisenegger,A. C. Rovero,F. Sanchez,A. Sandoval,R. Yanyachi,H. Zhou
Abstract:The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) is a project by scientists and engineers from 14 countries and 78 institutions to design and build the first wide-field, ground-based gamma-ray observatory in the Southern Hemisphere, with high duty cycle and covering an energy range rom hundreds of GeV to the PeV scale. The observatory will cover the Southern sky and aims to map the Galaxy's large-scale emission, as well as detecting transient and variable phenomena. The host sites under consideration are at a minimum altitude of 4400 m.a.s.l. and comprise two types: flat plateaus of at least 1 km$^{2}$ for the installation of an array of tank-based water Cherenkov detectors (WCD), or large natural lakes for the direct deployment of WCD units. Four South American countries proposed excellent sites to host the observatory meeting these requirements. Argentina proposed two locations in the Salta province, Bolivia presented one site in Chacaltaya, Chile two locations within the Atacama Astronomical Park, and Peru two ground-based locations in the Arequipa district as well as lakes in the Cuzco region. The SWGO collaboration is currently conducting a site characterization study, gathering all the necessary information for site shortlisting and final site selection by the end of 2023. The process has reached the shortlisting phase, in which primary and backup sites for each country have been identified. The primary sites were visited by a team of experts from the collaboration, to investigate and validate the proposed site characteristics. Here we present an update on these site selection activities.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics