Non-basic rigid packets for discrete $L$-parameters

Peter Dillery,David Schwein
Abstract:This article introduces the theory of non-basic rigid inner forms over $p$-adic local fields, extending the basic theory developed by Kaletha. Motivated by the recent work of Bertoloni Meli--Oi on the $B(G)$-parametrization of the local Langlands conjectures, our main application is to extend the basic rigid refined local Langlands conjectures for a discrete $L$-parameter $\phi$ of a quasi-split connected reductive group $G$. The packets of our extended construction are Weyl orbits of representations of inner forms of twisted Levi subgroups $N$ of $G$ for which $\phi$ factors through a member of the canonical $\widehat{G}$-conjugacy class of embeddings $^{L}N_{\pm} \to \hspace{1mm} ^{L}G$ constructed by Kaletha.
Number Theory,Representation Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to expand and deepen the local Langlands correspondence theory. In particular, when dealing with discrete parameters (discrete \(\mathcal{L}\)-parameter), how to apply this theory to all twisted Levi subgroups (twisted Levi subgroups) such that the \(\mathcal{L}\)-parameter passes through the standard embedding. Specifically, the authors hope to construct a packet of representations for each such twisted Levi subgroup, thereby extending the basic rigid - refined local Langlands conjecture. ### Detailed Explanation 1. **Background and Motivation** - The local Langlands conjecture predicts a finite - to - one mapping from irreducible (smooth) representations to \(\hat{G}\)-conjugacy classes. - The refined local Langlands correspondence is to parameterize these fibers, using data associated with \(\mathcal{L}\)-parameters. 2. **Core of the Problem** - When considering discrete \(\mathcal{L}\)-parameters, the traditional refined local Langlands correspondence is only applicable to specific Levi subgroups. However, in many cases, discrete parameters will pass through the standard embedding of non - trivial twisted Levi subgroups. - Therefore, the authors' goal is to construct representation packets for these twisted Levi subgroups and incorporate them into the framework of the local Langlands correspondence. 3. **Solution** - The concept of "non - basic rigid inner forms" is introduced, which extends Kaletha's basic theory. - Use Kaletha gerbe \(E_{Kal}\) instead of Kottwitz gerbe \(E_{Kott}\) to handle a wider range of algebraic cohomology classes. - Propose a new bijective relationship that links these new representation packets to the irreducible representations of certain groups. 4. **Main Results** - For a given discrete \(\mathcal{L}\)-parameter \(\phi\), the corresponding \(\mathcal{L}\)-packets \(\Pi_{\phi}^{\pm}\) are constructed. These packets contain the representations of the rigid inner forms of all twisted Levi subgroups such that \(\phi\) passes through the standard embedding. - The parameterization of these packets requires expanding the original set of irreducible representations and introducing so - called "enhancements", which is a group - theoretic data used to capture these rigid inner forms. 5. **Significance and Impact** - This work not only expands the scope of application of the local Langlands correspondence but also provides new tools and perspectives for further research on supercuspidal representations and other related topics. - In particular, it deepens the connection between the local Langlands correspondence and the representation theory of \(\mathbf{p}\)-adic groups. ### Formula Display Some of the key formulas involved in the paper include: - Tate - Nakayama duality isomorphism: \[ H^1_{bas}(E_{Kal}, G)\to X^*(\pi_0(\mathcal{D}(\hat{G})^\Gamma)) \] - Rigid Kottwitz map: \[ \kappa: H^1_{L - reg}(E_{Kal}, G)\to\bigsqcup_{[M]} X^*(\pi_0(\mathcal{D}(\hat{G})^\Gamma(M)))/W(G, M)(F) \] - The bijective relationship in the main theorem: \[ \bigsqcup_{[M]} [\Pi_{\phi_M,\pm}]/W(G, M)(F)\to [(\mathcal{B}_{\phi}^+(\h