Closed $k$-Schur Katalan functions as $K$-homology Schubert representatives of the affine Grassmannian
Takeshi Ikeda,Shinsuke Iwao,Satoshi Naito
Abstract:Recently, Blasiak-Morse-Seelinger introduced symmetric functions called Katalan functions, and proved that the $K$-theoretic $k$-Schur functions due to Lam-Schilling-Shimozono form a subfamily of the Katalan functions. They conjectured that another subfamily of Katalan functions called the closed $k$-Schur Katalan functions are identified with the Schubert structure sheaves in the $K$-homology of the affine Grassmannian. The main result is a proof of the conjecture.
We also study a $K$-theoretic Peterson isomorphism that Ikeda, Iwao, and Maeno constructed, in a non-geometric manner, based on the unipotent solution of the relativistic Toda lattice of Ruijsenaars. We prove that the map sends a Schubert class of the quantum $K$-theory ring of the flag variety to a closed $K$-$k$-Schur Katalan function up to an explicit factor related to a translation element with respect to an anti-dominant coroot. In fact, we prove the above map coincides with a map whose existence was conjectured by Lam, Li, Mihalcea, Shimozono, and proved by Kato, and more recently by Chow and Leung.
Combinatorics,Mathematical Physics,Algebraic Geometry,K-Theory and Homology,Representation Theory