Eulerian Graph Sparsification by Effective Resistance Decomposition

Arun Jambulapati,Sushant Sachdeva,Aaron Sidford,Kevin Tian,Yibin Zhao
Abstract:We provide an algorithm that, given an $n$-vertex $m$-edge Eulerian graph with polynomially bounded weights, computes an $\breve{O}(n\log^{2} n \cdot \varepsilon^{-2})$-edge $\varepsilon$-approximate Eulerian sparsifier with high probability in $\breve{O}(m\log^3 n)$ time (where $\breve{O}(\cdot)$ hides $\text{polyloglog}(n)$ factors). Due to a reduction from [Peng-Song, STOC '22], this yields an $\breve{O}(m\log^3 n + n\log^6 n)$-time algorithm for solving $n$-vertex $m$-edge Eulerian Laplacian systems with polynomially-bounded weights with high probability, improving upon the previous state-of-the-art runtime of $\Omega(m\log^8 n + n\log^{23} n)$. We also give a polynomial-time algorithm that computes $O(\min(n\log n \cdot \varepsilon^{-2} + n\log^{5/3} n \cdot \varepsilon^{-4/3}, n\log^{3/2} n \cdot \varepsilon^{-2}))$-edge sparsifiers, improving the best such sparsity bound of $O(n\log^2 n \cdot \varepsilon^{-2} + n\log^{8/3} n \cdot \varepsilon^{-4/3})$ [Sachdeva-Thudi-Zhao, ICALP '24]. Finally, we show that our techniques extend to yield the first $O(m\cdot\text{polylog}(n))$ time algorithm for computing $O(n\varepsilon^{-1}\cdot\text{polylog}(n))$-edge graphical spectral sketches, as well as a natural Eulerian generalization we introduce. In contrast to prior Eulerian graph sparsification algorithms which used either short cycle or expander decompositions, our algorithms use a simple efficient effective resistance decomposition scheme we introduce. Our algorithms apply a natural sampling scheme and electrical routing (to achieve degree balance) to such decompositions. Our analysis leverages new asymmetric variance bounds specialized to Eulerian Laplacians and tools from discrepancy theory.
Data Structures and Algorithms
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