Biharmonic Submanifolds in 5-Pinched Riemannian Manifolds
Jian,Wood-Hi Cheng,Ming Liu,Qing Li,Chao Du
Abstract:The study of biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds, as a generalization of harmonic maps, was suggested by Eells and Sampson [1]. By integrating the square of the norm of the tension field one can consider the bienergy of a smooth map φ : M → N and define its critical points biharmonic maps. The first variation formula for the bienergy, derived by Jiang [2], shows that any harmonic map is biharmonic. During the last decade important progress has been made in the study of both the geometry and the analytic properties of biharmonic maps, see [3] for an account. In differential geometry, a special attention has been paid to the study of biharmonic submanifolds, i.e., submanifolds such that the isometric immersion map is a biharmonic map. The Generalized Chen’s Conjecture [4]: Biharmonic submanifolds of a manifold N with sectional curvature K ≤ 0 are minimal, encouraged the study of biharmonic submanifolds in Euclidean space [4], spheres or other non-negatively curved spaces [3, 5, 6], manifolds with constant negative sectional curvature [7], and other manifolds [8–10]. Oniciuc [9] has proved that any biharmonic submanifold with constant mean curvature in a manifold with nonpositive sectional curvature is harmonic, i.e., minimal. The curvature condition in the above result can be weakened as Ric ≤ 0 in the case of codimension one [9].