Weak-2-local Isometries on Uniform Algebras and Lipschitz Algebras
Lei Li,Antonio M. Peralta,Liguang Wang,Ya-Shu Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5565/publmat6311908
Publicacions Matemàtiques
Abstract:We establish spherical variants of the Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko and Kowalski-S{\l}odkowski theorems, and we apply them to prove that every weak-2-local isometry between two uniform algebras is a linear map. Among the consequences, we solve a couple of problems posed by O. Hatori, T. Miura, H. Oka and H. Takagi in 2007. Another application is given in the setting of weak-2-local isometries between Lipschitz algebras by showing that given two metric spaces $E$ and $F$ such that the set Iso$((\hbox{Lip}(E),\|.\|),(\hbox{Lip}(F),\|.\|))$ is canonical, then every\hyphenation{every} weak-2-local Iso$((\hbox{Lip}(E),\|.\|),(\hbox{Lip}(F),\|.\|))$-map $\Delta$ from $\hbox{Lip}(E)$ to $\hbox{Lip}(F)$ is a linear map, where $\|.\|$ can indistinctly stand for $\|f\|_{_L} := \max\{L(f), \|f\|_{\infty} \}$ or $ \|f\|_{_s} := L(f) + \|f\|_{\infty}.$