On the mod-2 cohomology of the product of the infinite lens space and the space of invariants in a generic degree

Dang Vo Phuc
Abstract:Let $\mathbb S^{\infty}/\mathbb Z_2$ be the infinite lens space and $\mathscr A$ be the Steenrod algebra over the binary field $\mathbb F_2.$ The cohomology $H^{*}((\mathbb S^{\infty}/\mathbb Z_2)^{\oplus s}; \mathbb F_2)$ is known to be isomorphic to the graded polynomial ring $\mathcal {P}_s:= \mathbb F_2[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$ on $s$ generators of degree 1, viewed as an unstable $\mathscr A$-module. The Kameko squaring operation $(\widetilde {Sq^0_*})_{(s; N)}: (\mathbb F_2\otimes_{\mathscr A} \mathcal {P}_s)_{2N+s} \longrightarrow (\mathbb F_2\otimes_{\mathscr A} \mathcal {P}_s)_{N}$ is rather useful in studying an open problem of determining the dimension of the indecomposables $(\mathbb F_2\otimes_{\mathscr A} \mathcal {P}_s)_N.$ As a continuation of our recent works, this paper deals with the kernel of the Kameko $(\widetilde {Sq^0_*})_{(s; N_d)}$ for the case where $s = 5$ and the "generic" degree $N_d$ is of the form $N_d = 5(2^{d} - 1) + 11.2^{d+1}$ for arbitrary $d > 0.$ We then rectify almost all of the main results that were inaccurate in an earlier publication [Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. \textbf{116}:81 (2022)] by Nguyen Khac Tin. We have also constructed several advanced algorithms in \texttt{SageMath} to validate our results. These new algorithms make an important contribution to tackling the intricate task of explicitly determining both the dimension and the basis for the indecomposables $\mathbb F_2 \otimes_{\mathscr A} \mathcal {P}_s$ at positive degrees, a problem concerning algorithmic approaches that had not previously been addressed by any author. Also, the present study encompasses an investigation of the behavior of the cohomological transfer in bidegrees $(5, 5+N_d)$, with the internal degree $N_d$ mentioned above. The interplay between the papers by Nguyen Sum \cite{SM, N.S3} and our preceding studies \cite{D.P3, D.P7-1} is also discussed.
Algebraic Topology
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