Comparing the $p$-independence number of regular graphs to the $q$-independence number of their line graphs
Yair Caro,Randy Davila,Ryan Pepper
Abstract:Let $G$ be a simple graph, and let $p$, $q$, and $r$ be non-negative integers. A \emph{$p$-independent} set in $G$ is a set of vertices $S \subseteq V(G)$ such that the subgraph induced by $S$ has maximum degree at most $p$. The \emph{$p$-independence number} of $G$, denoted by $\alpha_p(G)$, is the cardinality of a maximum $p$-independent set in $G$. Letting $L(G)$ denote the line graph of $G$. In this paper, motivated by the result $\alpha_0(G) \leq \alpha_0(L(G))$, for every $r$-regular graph with $r \geq 1$ (see~\cite{CaDaPe2020}), we investigate which values of $p$, $q$, and $r$ have the property that $\alpha_p(G) \leq \alpha_q(L(G))$ for all $r$-regular graphs $G$. Triples $(p, q, r)$ having this property are called \emph{valid $\alpha$-triples}. Among the results we prove are : \begin{itemize}
\item $(p, q, r)$ is valid $\alpha$-triple for $p \geq 0$, $q \geq 3$ , and $r\geq 2$.
\item $(p, q, r)$ is valid $\alpha$-triple for $p \leq q < 3$ and $r\geq 2$.
\item $(p, q, r)$ is valid $\alpha$-triple for $p \geq 0$, $q = 2$, and $r$ even.
\item $(p, q, r)$ is valid $\alpha$-triple for $p \geq 0$, $q = 2$, and $r$ odd with $r = \max \Big \{ 3, \frac{17(p+1)}{6}\Big \}$. \end{itemize} We also show a close relation between undetermined possible valid $\alpha$-triples, the Linear Aboricity Conjecture, and the Path-Cover Conjecture.