Shi Shu An algebraic multigrid method for higher-order finite element equations in two dimensional linear elasticity 15:30-16:00 Qingsong Zou Convergence analysis of adaptive FVM Ying Yang A finite element correction scheme for Green's functions
Pingwen Zhang,Ming Wang,Jinbiao Wu
Abstract:In this talk, I would like to discuss the quantum size effects and the scale invariance of some physical quantities such as elastic constant , thermal conductivity, dielectric constant and so forth. It can be proven that the elastic constants and the dielectric constants are approximate scale invariants for a nanocrystal in the framework of the local density approximation of density functional theory(DFT-LDA). From this, we try to present the unified electromagnetic models from microto macro-scale. Finally, we shall give some typical applications of the above theoretical results in CMOS transistor at nano-scale, photonic crystals and the protein structures in solution. What is the smallest possible constant in Cea's lemma Wei Chen School of Economics, Shandong University Abstract We consider finite element approximations of a second order elliptic problem on a bounded polytopic domain in R with d∈{1; 2; 3...}. The constant C≥1 appearing in Cea's lemma and coming from its standard proof can be very large when coefficient of an an ellipic operator attain considerably different values. We restrict ourselves to regular families of uniform partitions and linear simplicial elements. Using a lower bound of the interpolation error and the supercloseness between the finite element solution and Lagrange interpolant of the exact solution, we prove that the constant in Cea's lemma can be reduced to 1+Ο (h) as the discretization parameter h tends to zero. Numerical results in on and two-dimensional case illustrating this reduction are presented.We consider finite element approximations of a second order elliptic problem on a bounded polytopic domain in R with d∈{1; 2; 3...}. The constant C≥1 appearing in Cea's lemma and coming from its standard proof can be very large when coefficient of an an ellipic operator attain considerably different values. We restrict ourselves to regular families of uniform partitions and linear simplicial elements. Using a lower bound of the interpolation error and the supercloseness between the finite element solution and Lagrange interpolant of the exact solution, we prove that the constant in Cea's lemma can be reduced to 1+Ο (h) as the discretization parameter h tends to zero. Numerical results in on and two-dimensional case illustrating this reduction are presented. International Conference on Multilevel Iterative Methods Analysis of mortar-type Q /Q rot 1 0 element and multigrid method for the incompressible Stokes problem* Jinru Chen and Peiqi Huang 1. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University 2. Department of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing Forestry University Abstract In this paper, we discuss mortar element method for Q /Q rot 1 0 element for the incompressible Stokes problem and prove the optimal error estimate. Meanwhile a W-cycle multigrid method is presented for solving the discrete equation and the optimal convergence of the multigrid is proven. Finally numerical experiments are given to confirm our theoretical results.In this paper, we discuss mortar element method for Q /Q rot 1 0 element for the incompressible Stokes problem and prove the optimal error estimate. Meanwhile a W-cycle multigrid method is presented for solving the discrete equation and the optimal convergence of the multigrid is proven. Finally numerical experiments are given to confirm our theoretical results. *This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the Grant 10471067 and the National Basic Research Program under the Grants 2005CB321704. 1. E-mail address: 2. E-mail address: A Self-Adapting Block Reduction Method for Solving Multi-scale Linear Systems in QMC Simulation Wenbin Chen, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Zhaojun Bai, Richard Scalettar 1. Department of Mathematics, Fudan University, China 2. Departments of Computer science, University of California, Davis,USA 3. Departments of Computer science, University of California, Davis,USA 4. Departments of Physics, University of California, Davis, USA Abstract In this talk, we discuss the multi-scale linear systems arising in Quantum Monte Carlo simulation for Hubbard model, and challenges of multi-scale phenomena to existing linear system solvers.In this talk, we discuss the multi-scale linear systems arising in Quantum Monte Carlo simulation for Hubbard model, and challenges of multi-scale phenomena to existing linear system solvers. We present a robust and efficient solver for solving multi-scale linear systems, the Features of this new solver: 1) delivers solutions with a sufficient accuracy (just need to make the computational/roundoff error in finite precision is smaller International Conference on Multilevel Iterative Methods than the "model'' approximation error, such as using the checkerboard method to approximate matrix exponential), 2) robustly handles a wide range of conditioning of systems causing by multi-scale parameters, 3) is efficient in terms of memory requirement and flops. The numerical results shows that the new algorithm are efficient and stable. The preconditioning for the linear systems are also introduced. An adaptive Galerkin-characteristic finite element method with reliable and efficient error control for convection-dominated diffusion problem Ming Cui, Hongsen Chen, Richard E.Ewing, AND Guan Qin School of Mathematics and System Science, Shandong University Institute for Scientific Computation, Texas A M University, USA Abstract An efficient and reliable a posteriori error estimate is derived for the Characteristic-Galerkin method for convection-dominated problems. An adaptive algorithm with variable time-step sizes and space meshes is proposed and analyzed. It is proved that at each time step, the adaptive algorithm reduces the error indicators below any given tolerance within a finite number of iterations.An efficient and reliable a posteriori error estimate is derived for the Characteristic-Galerkin method for convection-dominated problems. An adaptive algorithm with variable time-step sizes and space meshes is proposed and analyzed. It is proved that at each time step, the adaptive algorithm reduces the error indicators below any given tolerance within a finite number of iterations. Affine conjugate inexact Newton methods for convex optimization problems and their adaptive finite element realization