Optimal Fully Dynamic $k$-Center Clustering for Adaptive and Oblivious Adversaries
MohammadHossein Bateni,Hossein Esfandiari,Hendrik Fichtenberger,Monika Henzinger,Rajesh Jayaram,Vahab Mirrokni,Andreas Wiese
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611977554.ch101
Abstract:In fully dynamic clustering problems, a clustering of a given data set in a metric space must be maintained while it is modified through insertions and deletions of individual points. In this paper, we resolve the complexity of fully dynamic $k$-center clustering against both adaptive and oblivious adversaries. Against oblivious adversaries, we present the first algorithm for fully dynamic $k$-center in an arbitrary metric space that maintains an optimal $(2+\epsilon)$-approximation in $O(k \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(n,\Delta))$ amortized update time. Here, $n$ is an upper bound on the number of active points at any time, and $\Delta$ is the aspect ratio of the metric space. Previously, the best known amortized update time was $O(k^2\cdot \mathrm{polylog}(n,\Delta))$, and is due to Chan, Gourqin, and Sozio (2018). Moreover, we demonstrate that our runtime is optimal up to $\mathrm{polylog}(n,\Delta)$ factors. In fact, we prove that even offline algorithms for $k$-clustering tasks in arbitrary metric spaces, including $k$-medians, $k$-means, and $k$-center, must make at least $\Omega(n k)$ distance queries to achieve any non-trivial approximation factor. This implies a lower bound of $\Omega(k)$ which holds even for the insertions-only setting.
We also show deterministic lower and upper bounds for adaptive adversaries, demonstrate that an update time sublinear in $k$ is possible against oblivious adversaries for metric spaces which admit locally sensitive hash functions (LSH) and give the first fully dynamic $O(1)$-approximation algorithms for the closely related $k$-sum-of-radii and $k$-sum-of-diameter problems.
Data Structures and Algorithms