Monogamy of Entanglement Bounds and Improved Approximation Algorithms for Qudit Hamiltonians
Zackary Jorquera,Alexandra Kolla,Steven Kordonowy,Juspreet Singh Sandhu,Stuart Wayland
Abstract:We prove new monogamy of entanglement bounds for 2-local qudit Hamiltonian of rank-one projectors without local terms. In particular, we certify the ground state energy in terms of the maximum matching of the underlying interaction graph via low-degree sum-of-squares proofs. Algorithmically, we show that a simple matching-based algorithm approximates the ground state energy to at least $1/d$ for general graphs and to at least $1/d + \Theta(1/D)$ for graphs with bounded degree, $D$. This outperforms random assignment, which, in expectation, achieves energy of only $1/d^2$ of the ground state energy for general graphs. Notably, on $D$-regular graphs with degree, $D \leq 5$, and for any local dimension, $d$, we show that this simple matching-based algorithm has an approximation guarantee of $1/2$. Lastly, when $d=2$, we present an algorithm achieving an approximation guarantee of $0.595$, beating that of [PT22, <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2206.08342" href="">arXiv:2206.08342</a>] (which gave a tight approximation guarantee of $1/2$).
Quantum Physics