Alexandre Trilla,Rajesh Rajendran,Ossee Yiboe,Quentin Possamaï,Nenad Mijatovic,Jordi Vitrià
Abstract:This paper describes the development of a counterfactual Root Cause Analysis diagnosis approach for an industrial multivariate time series environment. It drives the attention toward the Point of Incipient Failure, which is the moment in time when the anomalous behavior is first observed, and where the root cause is assumed to be found before the issue propagates. The paper presents the elementary but essential concepts of the solution and illustrates them experimentally on a simulated setting. Finally, it discusses avenues of improvement for the maturity of the causal technology to meet the robustness challenges of increasingly complex environments in the industry.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: in an industrial environment, how to identify the root causes of abnormal behaviors in multivariate time - series data through counterfactual Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Specifically, the paper focuses on the **Point of Incipient Failure (PIF)**, that is, the time point when the abnormal behavior is first observed, and assumes that the root cause can be found at this time, thereby preventing the problem from further spreading.
### Core of the Problem
1. **Degradation Problems of Complex Industrial Assets**:
- Failures of complex industrial equipment may be caused by multiple factors, such as early - stage failures or wear at the end of the service life.
- These types of failures can be mitigated through quality inspections and preventive maintenance, but during the operation of the equipment, random failures may still occur, especially in the intermediate stage where the failure rate is low but constant.
2. **Requirement for Predictive Maintenance**:
- Predictive maintenance uses data to track the actual degradation of each asset in order to make more timely and informed decisions.
- In this context, detecting abnormal behaviors and diagnosing their root causes becomes crucial to ensure the availability of machines.
3. **Challenges in Causal Inference**:
- Existing causal inference methods usually assume that influencing factors change smoothly over time, which may not hold true in actual industrial environments.
- The paper proposes a method based on counterfactual reasoning to directly identify the root cause from the causal graph and the time when the abnormality appears.
### Solution
The paper proposes a complete causal analysis framework, from structured model construction to utilization through probabilistic counterfactual analysis, with special consideration of the characteristics of the industrial multivariate time - series environment. Specific steps include:
1. **Data Processing**:
- Convert event logs into time - series format and screen relevant variables through methods such as mutual information.
2. **State Detection**:
- Construct a data - driven Structural Causal Model (SCM) and determine whether the asset is in a normal or abnormal working state.
- Use Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DCBN) to represent the time - dependent causal structure.
3. **Health Assessment**:
- Use the probabilistic SCM for fine - grained diagnosis to determine the root cause of the observed abnormality.
- Find the causal path that is most likely to explain the abnormality through a path - search algorithm.
4. **Algorithmic Remediation**:
- Explore the counterfactual world, reverse the abnormality by intervening in specific variables, and reduce the risk of system failure.
### Conclusion
The paper verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method through experiments and discusses ways to further improve the robustness of the method. Ultimately, this research aims to provide a new and effective solution for fault diagnosis in complex industrial environments.
### Formula Summary
- **Causality Formula**:
X_j := f_j(PA_j, N_j)
where \( PA_j \) represents the direct cause of \( X_j \), and \( N_j \) represents independent noise.
- **Joint Probability Distribution**:
P(X) = P(X_1,..., X_n) = \prod_{j = 1}^n P(X_j|PA_j, N_j)
- **Counterfactual Reasoning Formula**:
P(X_t^F = L|do(X_t=\alpha), X_t, X_t^F = H)
where \( X_t^F \) represents the failure variable, \( L \) represents low risk, \( H \) represents high risk, and \( \alpha \) is the intervention value for the root - cause variable.
Through these methods, the paper provides a comprehensive framework for efficient and accurate root - cause analysis in an industrial environment.