Simulated Detector Performance at the Muon Collider
Nazar Bartosik,Karol Krizka,Simone Pagan Griso,Chiara Aimè,Aram Apyan,Mohammed Attia Mahmoud,Alessandro Bertolin,Alessandro Braghieri,Laura Buonincontri,Simone Calzaferri,Massimo Casarsa,Luca Castelli,Maria Gabriella Catanesi,Francesco Giovanni Celiberto,Alessandro Cerri,Grigorios Chachamis,Anna Colaleo,Camilla Curatolo,Giacomo Da Molin,Sridhara Dasu,Dmitri Desinov,Haluk Denizli,Biagio Di Micco,Tommaso Dorigo,Filippo Errico,Anna Ferrari,Davide Fiorina,Luca Giambastiani,Alessio Gianelle,Carlo Giraldin,Matthew Herndon,Tova Ray Holmes,Sergo Jindariani,Georgios Krintiras,Lawrence Lee,Qiang Li,Ronald Lipton,S. Lomte,Kenneth Long,Donatella Lucchesi,Paola Mastrapasqua,Federico Meloni,Alessandro Montella,Federico Nardi,Nadia Pastrone,Antonello Pellecchia,Karolos Potamianos,Emilio Radicioni,Raffaella Radogna,Cristina Riccardi,Luciano Ristori,Paola Salvini,I. Sarra,Daniel Schulte,Abdulkadir Senol,Lorenzo Sestini,Federica Maria Simone,Rosa Simoniello,Anna Stamerra,Xiaohu Sun,Maximilian J Swiatlowski,Jian Tang,Emily Anne Thompson,Ilaria Vai,Marco Valente,Nicolo' Valle,Rosamaria Venditti,Piet Verwilligen,Hannsjorg Weber,Angela Zaza,Davide Zuliani
Abstract:In this paper we report on the current status of studies on the expected performance for a detector designed to operate in a muon collider environment. Beam-induced backgrounds (BIB) represent the main challenge in the design of the detector and the event reconstruction algorithms. The current detector design aims to show that satisfactory performance can be achieved, while further optimizations are expected to significantly improve the overall performance. We present the characterization of the expected beam-induced background, describe the detector design and software used for detailed event simulations taking into account BIB effects. The expected performance of charged-particle reconstruction, jets, electrons, photons and muons is discussed, including an initial study on heavy-flavor jet tagging. A simple method to measure the delivered luminosity is also described. Overall, the proposed design and reconstruction algorithms can successfully reconstruct the high transverse-momentum objects needed to carry out a broad physics program.