Hölder regularity and Liouville Theorem for the Schrödinger equation with certain critical potentials, and applications to Dirichlet problems
Bo Li,Ji Li,Liangchuan Wu
Abstract:Let $(X,d,\mu)$ be a metric measure space satisfying a doubling property with the upper/lower dimension $Q\ge n>1$, and admitting an $L^2$-Poincaré inequality. In this article, we establish the Hölder continuity and a Liouville-type theorem for the (elliptic-type) Schrödinger equation $$\mathbb L u(x,t)=-\partial^2_{t}u(x,t)+\mathcal L u(x,t)+V(x)u(x,t)=0,\quad x\in X,\, t\in\mathbb R, $$ where $\mathcal L$ is a non-negative operator generated by a Dirichlet form on $X$, and the non-negative potential $V$ is a Muckenhoupt weight belonging to the reverse Hölder class ${RH}_q(X)$ for some $q>\max\{Q/2,1\}$. Note that $Q/2$ is critical for the regularity theory of $-\Delta+V$ on $\mathbb{R}^Q$ ($Q\ge3$) by Shen's work in 1995, which hints the critical index of $V$ for the regularity results above on $X\times \mathbb R$ may be $(Q+1)/2$. Our results show that this critical index is in fact $\max\{Q/2,1\}$. Our approach primarily relies on the controllable growth of $V$ and the elliptic theory for the operator $\mathbb L$/$-\partial^2_{t}+\mathcal{L}$ on $X\times \mathbb R$, rather than the analogs for $\mathcal L+V$/$\mathcal{L}$ on $X$, under the critical index setting. As applications, we further obtain some characterizations for solutions to the Schrödinger equation $-\partial^2_{t}u+\mathcal L u+Vu=0$ in $X\times \mathbb R_+$ with boundary values in BMO/CMO/Morrey spaces related to $V$, improving previous results to the critical index $q>\max\{Q/2,1\}$.
Analysis of PDEs,Classical Analysis and ODEs