Abstract:We provide the first and rigorous confirmations of the hypotheses by Ludwig Boltzmann in his seminal paper \cite{Boltzmann} within the context of the Landau equation in the presence of a harmonic potential. We prove that (i) Each {\it entropy-invariant solution} can be identified as a {\it time-periodic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution}. Moreover, these distributions can be characterized by thirteen conservation laws, which sheds light on the global dynamics. (ii) Each {\it time-periodic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution} is nonlinearly stable, including neutral asymptotic stability and Lyapunov stability. Furthermore, the convergence rate is entirely reliant on the thirteen conservation laws and is optimal when compared to the linear scenario.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The core problem that this paper attempts to solve is to verify the hypothesis proposed by Ludwig Boltzmann in his classical paper, especially in the case where the Landau equation has a harmonic oscillator potential. Specifically, the paper mainly focuses on two issues:
1. **Characteristics of entropy - invariant solutions**:
- Researchers attempt to comprehensively describe entropy - invariant solutions and explore the relationship between these solutions and conservation laws. According to Boltzmann's H - theorem, entropy - invariant solutions are a special form in which the system reaches an equilibrium state.
- The paper proves that each entropy - invariant solution can be identified as a time - periodic Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution, and these distributions can be characterized by thirteen conservation laws.
2. **Non - linear stability**:
- Researchers further explore the non - linear stability of time - periodic Maxwell - Boltzmann distributions, including neutral asymptotic stability and Lyapunov stability.
- The paper proves that these time - periodic distributions are non - linearly stable, and the convergence rate completely depends on the above - mentioned thirteen conservation laws and is optimal in the linear case.
### Specific problems and solutions
#### 1. Characteristics of entropy - invariant solutions
- **Definition**: An entropy - invariant solution refers to a solution that keeps the entropy unchanged during the time evolution process. According to the definition in the paper, if a solution \( M(t, x, v) \) satisfies the following conditions, it is an entropy - invariant solution:
\int_{\mathbb{R}^3_x\times\mathbb{R}^3_v}(|x|^2 + |v|^2 + 1)M(t, x, v)\,dx\,dv < +\infty,
and for any \( t\geq0 \),
\partial_t M+v\cdot\nabla_x M-\nabla_x\Phi\cdot\nabla_v M = 0 = C_{\text{coll}}(M, M).
- **Result**: The paper proves that each entropy - invariant solution can be represented as a time - periodic Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution:
M(t, x, v)=\frac{m}{\sqrt{\det Q}}(2\pi)^{-3}\exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2}\left[a|X(t)-y|^2 + 2b(X(t)-y)\cdot(V(t)-z)+c|V(t)-z|^2+2(X(t)-y)^T R(V(t)-z)\right]\right\},
where \((X(t), V(t))=(x\cos t - v\sin t, x\sin t + v\cos t)\), and \((m, y, z)\in\mathbb{R}_+\times\mathbb{R}^3\times\mathbb{R}^3\), \((a, b, c, R)\in O\), \(Q=(ac - b^2)I+R^2\).
#### 2. Non - linear stability
- **Definition**: A time - periodic Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution refers to a time - periodic solution with a specific form.
- **Result**: The paper proves that these time - periodic distributions are non - linearly stable and gives specific stability estimates. For example, for any initial data \( F_0 \) satisfying certain conditions, equation (1.9) has a unique global solution \( F(t, x, v) \), and this solution satisfies non - negativity and convergence.
### Summary
This paper verifies Boltzmann's hypothesis about the Landau equation under the harmonic oscillator potential through strict mathematical methods, especially the entropy - invariance and non - linear stability of time - periodic Maxwell - Boltzmann distributions. This not only deepens...