Abstract:Motivated by recent results on diffeomorphisms, this paper investigates fundamental groups of spaces of embeddings of $S^1$ and $S^1\times D^3$ in 4-manifolds. We express the latter (framed) case in terms of the former, and study examples of the form $M\# S^1\times S^3$ in detail.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The core problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the fundamental groups of the space of circles ($S^1$) and their framed embeddings ($S^1\times D^3$) in 4 - dimensional manifolds. Specifically, by analyzing the embedding space $Emb(S^1, X)$ and the framed embedding space $Emb(\nu S^1, X)$ in different types of 4 - dimensional manifolds $X$, the author explores the structures and properties of the fundamental groups $\pi_1(Emb(S^1, X); c)$ and $\pi_1(Emb(\nu S^1, X); \nu c)$ of these spaces.
### Main research directions:
1. **Fundamental group of the framed embedding space**:
- Study the fundamental group $\pi_1(Emb(\nu S^1, X); \nu c)$ of the framed embedding space $Emb(\nu S^1, X)$, and compare it with the fundamental group of the non - framed embedding space $Emb(S^1, X)$.
- The author uses a "forgetful map" $forg: Emb(\nu S^1, X)\to Emb(S^1, X)$, which ignores the framing information of the embedding. Through this map, the author studies the kernel and cokernel of $\pi_1(forg)$. In particular, when $X$ is a spin or almost - spin manifold (i.e., $ws_2 = 0$), the kernel of $\pi_1(forg)$ is $\mathbb{Z}/2$; when $X$ is a completely non - spin manifold (i.e., $ws_2\neq0$), the kernel of $\pi_1(forg)$ may be $\mathbb{Z}/2$ or the trivial group.
2. **Fundamental group of the non - framed embedding space**:
- For the 4 - dimensional manifold $X = M\#S^3\times S^1$ in a specific form, the author studies in detail the fundamental group $\pi_1(Emb(S^1, X); c)$ of the non - framed embedding space $Emb(S^1, X)$. In particular, the author gives a specific Dax extension to describe this group and derives many interesting isomorphism relations.
### Motivation and background:
The motivation for studying these fundamental groups comes from the recent results on the construction of diffeomorphisms of 4 - dimensional manifolds. For example, the work of Botvinnik, Budney, Gabai, Gay, Hartman and Watanabe et al. gives various methods for constructing diffeomorphisms of 4 - dimensional manifolds. These constructions can be represented as certain specific "grasper classes", which are defined in $\pi_1(Emb(\nu S^1, X); \nu c)$. Therefore, understanding the structures of these fundamental groups is of great significance for further research on the diffeomorphisms of 4 - dimensional manifolds.
### Formulas and symbol explanations:
- $ws_2: \pi_2 X\to\mathbb{Z}/2$: The spherical Stiefel - Whitney class, which is the restriction of the homomorphism $wh_2$ of the image of the Hurewicz map $\pi_2 X\to H_2(X; \mathbb{Z})$ on $H_2(X; \mathbb{Z})$.
- $wh_2: H_2(X; \mathbb{Z})\to\mathbb{Z}/2$: The homology Stiefel - Whitney class, which is the image of the second Stiefel - Whitney class $w_2$ under $H_2(X; \mathbb{Z}/2)\to\text{Hom}(H_2(X; \mathbb{Z}), \mathbb{Z}/2)$.
- $\text{Fix}_c(\pi_k X)$: The subgroup consisting of elements invariant under the action of $c\in\pi_1 X$.
Through these studies, the author hopes to provide a new perspective for understanding the embedding spaces in 4 - dimensional manifolds and a theoretical basis for further research.