Limit of geometric quantizations on Kähler manifolds with T-symmetry
Naichung Conan Leung,Dan Wang
Abstract:A compact Kähler manifold $\left( M,\omega ,J\right) $ with $T$-symmetry admits a natural mixed polarization $\mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{mix}}$ whose real directions come from the $T$-action. In \cite{LW1}, we constructed a one-parameter family of Kähler structures $\left( \omega ,J_{t}\right) $'s with the same underlying Kä hler form $\omega $ and $J_{0}=J$, such that (i) there is a $T$-equivariant biholomorphism between $\left( M,J_{0}\right) $ and $\left( M,J_{t}\right) $ and (ii) Kähler polarizations $\mathcal{P} _{t}$'s corresponding to $J_{t}$'s converge to $\mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{mix}}$ as $t$ goes to infinity.
In this paper, we study the quantum analog of above results. Assume $L$ is a pre-quantum line bundle on $\left( M,\omega \right) $. Let $\mathcal{H}_{t}$ and $ \mathcal{H}_{\mathrm{mix}}$ be quantum spaces defined using polarizations $\mathcal{P}_{t}$ and $\mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{mix}}$ respectively. In particular, $\mathcal{H}_{t}=H_{\bar{\partial}_{t}}^{0}\left( M,L\right) $. They are both representations of $T$. We show that (i) there is a $T$-equivariant isomorphism between $\mathcal{H}_{0}$ and $\mathcal{H}_{\mathrm{mix}}$ and (ii) for regular $T$-weight $\lambda $, corresponding $\lambda $-weight spaces $ \mathcal{H}_{t,\lambda }$'s converge to $\mathcal{H}_{\mathrm{mix},\lambda }$ as $t$ goes to infinity.
Symplectic Geometry,Mathematical Physics,Differential Geometry